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never saw that coming!

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Tue, 18/12/2018 - 15:48

Wheelchair out for another 5 weeks minimum! oh dear no sooner do we seemingly have Carroll back for a week or two before he pulls a hair follicle and is out for the season we now have another player with a history of injuries on the long term sick,i can only hope that from now on that the injury curse that is west ham does not strike anymore players.

mcbikeman's picture

turns out to be a pigs ear.....players with injury history as bad as this need to be avoided Lessons will be learned mmm i doubt that..Dyer ljunberg etc it has to stop.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Maybe im very naive but I genuinely believe NO footballer wants to be injured and would prefer to be playing. I think AC gets a bad press and doesn't deserve it. Dyer was the same but my god... that injury it took from the Bristol thug in the micky mouse cup was shocking.

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andycarrollstyle's picture

Carroll and Wilshere have worked out a time share on the physio room, when ones out the others playing and vice versa

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