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Submitted by Betty Swollox on Tue, 27/09/2016 - 11:12
A few things in one thread, apologies but don't have as much time these days.
Firstly just a point about the "New Stadium", for me this has now become a red herring for our crap performances, A nice easy fall back. We didn't take the "New Stadium" to West Brom did we? We still managed to get tonked by a crap Pulis side. We played the same there a couple of seasons ago under the corrupt one and had 4 put past us then. It's not the pitch, everyone else is scoring goals there even crap Romanian teams. I heard on the radio after travelling back on Sunday, some geezer called Jethro from Torquay, and a Liverpool fan! Criticising us that we got too big for our boots and the atmosphere at the OS is rubbish. When asked had he been there he replied no. End of discussion. So if you are going to harp on about the OS and blame it, at least get off your arse go there and then tell us what you heard, experienced etc.. It's not the stadium, it's not the fans standing or sitting, it's the players. You know the ones that kick the f'ing ball!!! We've been made to feel by outside forces and I have to say a lot of the armchairs on here, that we are somehow part of the problem. Like we aren't doing our job properly, by not creating the right atmosphere. Let alone the fact we have to pay ,make the journey to and fro and watch our team get demolished by mediocre opposition, we have to keep singing our hearts out? Oh and we can't leave early, coz proper fans don't do that. We have to stay till the end, for what? I've left early nearly every game this season, which I've never done in 35 years of supporting home and away. The reason? The team leaves the game after about 30 mins so why shouldn't I go home early too? I've got to get home with my son, on public transport, they jump in their flash motors parked in the ground and are home in about 20 mins.,
Secondly, the solution, the worst thing and most worrying is I don't think anyone knows what that is. Oxford apparently is this super defender sitting on the bench, top teams allegedly want him. Says who? His agent?. Well I saw him taken apart at UP last season and against Donzale, he made a few mistakes that would have been punished in the Prem. Byram has been found out against canny attackers like Ighalo. Obiang is just another average midfielder IMPO. Fletcher is seen as a hope because he adds a spark, but can he mentally handle the pressure of our struggle at the moment from the start? I suppose we will only know if he plays. I just don't see the players on the bench making a difference. I also see players on the pitch that aren't up for it. Payet, Kouyate and Reid especially. Whether they've got complacent, wanted a move away, I don't know. They look disinterested. Its' so bad that I'm getting embarrassed at the "we've got Payet" song. Last season feels like a long time ago now. Worse still I'm counting the days the great white hope Carroll comes back for about four or five games and gets injured again, or the wrong-un Sakho plays. I'm totally pinning my hope on the belief that they will change things, and I'm probably wrong. I'm dreading going on Saturday, another half a day of mine and my son's life wasted on those w*nkers. Not since the corrupt one have I dreaded going to West Ham so much.
Lastly if we got rid of Bilic as some have said already on here, what's going to change? Look at Chelsea they've still got the same problems under Conte as they had under Mourinho. Both managers we'd have given our right arm for BTW. Bilic can be criticised for picking round pegs in square hoes, but he works with these players every day and must know their mental state better than we do. If he thinks Kouyate isn't a centre back but a central midfielder and we accept that, then surely, we accept his obvious judgement that Oxford isn't up to it or ready? If they don't want to play for the club and it's fans, get rid I say. I'd rather go down and start agin than be embarrassed week in week out. Our claret and blue colours aren not the only similarity with Villa from last season. We would get rid of the tourists and build again. So I'm resigned to defeat already, so early and am looking at the next three games as make or break.

Good piece. If I was manager I'd play a 3-5-1-1. I'd have Randolph/Adrian, Collins, Oxford and Ogbonna, Antonio, Noble, Kouyate/Fernandes, Lanzini, Arbeloa, Payet and Fletcher. But what do we know eh? I have to say Arbeloa looked class, he could play anywhere that fella.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

The stadium has a lot to do with it but not necessarily is the whole problem. And yes, I have been there. Twice, and in no hurry to go back either. That stadium will never recreate the intimidating atmosphere of The Boleyn. tbh the sound of the fans gets lost in that huge vacuum that surrounds the pitch from that vast distance away when sporadic "Bubbles" is heard from small quantities of the crowd with the exception of the prompting from the tannoy as the players come out. You don't wince when the vicious tackles go in because you are so detached from the game so you have no feel for the game as it plays.
This is not however, to take away the blame from the players but truth be told, and I've said it before, our summer signings have in no way strengthened the first team. Also, I think it's fair to say that Bilic is now being found out, just as he eventually was as manager of Croatia and that last seasons fluke results against the Liverpools, Citys and Arsenals were exactly that. One offs. I tend to agree with Dicksy that getting rid of Bilic probably wont do much as I agree there are no real obvious candidates to turn around what is a club in disarray. We got away with it in hiring Big Sam last time and can't think of anyone who has the thick skin to turn it around a second time. One only has to look at David Moyes at the moment.
It also baffles me how some of you see the same players as I do and see "class". Arbeloa is class? Really? As for Oxford, I agree with Betty that Oxford has a long long way to go before showing his class, which I've only seen him show once in that game againstan Arsenal side that didn't turn up on the day.
We have players being played out of position, we have players not turning up and a lethargy is creeping in. There is something seriously wrong with the whole set up and back to my original point, I think leaving the Boleyn is a huge factor.

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The team is the reason we are so poor,but why are people so defensive about the new stadium??ive been twice & it was actually worse second time!!theres no going back to UP we KNOW that,but theres a hell of a lot of season ticket holders,etc i know that dont feel connected to the new stadium..

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Without being rude of course no-one will feel connected to the stadium after a handful of games. It will take years. It would've been the same at the Boleyn. I just don't see the point about banging on about it, especially from those that have been nowhere near, or have no intention of going anywhere near the place. We are where we are, some of us signed up for life to watch West Ham, we won't and can't turn it on and off, because we don't like something. I also think the constant banging on about the stadium is being over used by some to let the players off. What I see is laziness and couldn't give a sh*t attitude, what's that got to do with a stadium?

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I admire your loyalty,& i really hope the stadium is a success...just cant help getting the feeling it could be a monumental cock up...hope im wrong mate & ill gladly hold my hands up & admit it too!

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