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Royally screwed

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Tue, 23/01/2018 - 05:57

Elbows&Lanzini both out for month minimum with differing hamstring problems so who plays now? ayew and sak upfront give me a break chicaritio as a lone wolf striker err thats not worked out yet...time to stop fannying about and get some players in...guessing the cup games already written off so its all about palace a week today...lets see what happens anymore dithering and we will find ourselves right back in it.

moore 6 legend's picture

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder,but that CPB is just taking the piss,i've never seen someone so ugly with just the one head,lol

305 users have voted.

Start getting some momentum,then lanzini & arnie out...right up shit creek without a paddle!!Sugo to splash the cash??yeah right

343 users have voted.

I cant name a club for the life of me that have so many injurys ,look at totalscum same bleedin line up every week ,prince Harry ,dirty Alli ,Hong Kong Lil ,they never get injured ,

276 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Why oh why did we choose to be hammers??i blame me dad & generations before him!!;)

333 users have voted.

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