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stupid grudge or just being a football fan

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Fri, 05/04/2019 - 11:18

Whats all this about you boys are thinking well we all know how we love to beat the spuds and other local rivals which goes without saying i wonder how man on here for one reason or another hold a grudge/gripe about a club that is so out of left field it can only mean something to that person.
Well this girl has one and it is for Coventry that makes my blood boil and makes me smile when they get relegated or suffer defeat and why is that? well many years ago(not going to say how many am i!)an away trip to Coventry as a young lass sounded fun an adventure but it was not it poured with rain all day my west ham wellingtons leaked! and the meat pie was stone cold and the tea as weak as you no what and to top it all we of course lost and the journey home the fan belt broke! ever since that day Coventry have been on my teams i do not like list lol silly of course but i cannot help but get annoyed eveytime i hear them mentioned and i look to see if they get beat each week so any of you got a team which for some daft reason you just do not like apart as i say from the usual suspects

nevillenixon's picture

Has to be tottenham, ever since the league cup semi final in the eighties at the Boleyn when their 'fans' were throwing bottles despite having their 'attention' drawn to the fact that there were young children in attendance, that an the fact that Levy has nicked some of our best talent in the past!

112 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

For me it is Liverpool, whine, moan and whinge .... the fans say it all "always the victim, it's never your fault" yes they play some good football but their fans are self obsessed sympathy seekers at every turn, they make me cringe.

125 users have voted.

nail on the head there mate totally agree Liverpool full of self pity and that goes for their football critics also get right up my nose !!!

118 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

They'll be sick as Spuds after this morning's pasting from Barcelona. They're done. With all the pressing Liverpool have to do, can't see Barca not exploiting at least one lapse.

117 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

You're right there Moore. I'm the one sick as a dog this morning after that comeback. Already had their fans approaching me with huge grins on their bots. Should have taken a sick day! Please please PLEASE Ajax don't go the same way...Digging out my old Ajax shirt for tonight's game!!!

89 users have voted.

Well im goin to say well done to totehscum ,I know ill properly get barred from the sight for saying it .you should be pleased moore ,the scum have stolen the Scousers thunder out from under them with their victory tonight ,if anything and coinciding Barca were crap tonights game was much more unbelievably, Ajax were brilliant through out and the scum had to work harder for their win .

117 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore2come's picture

I squirted it with Ajax, cleaned my toilet, then set fire to it!!! Just pissing on the remains now. FFS talk about kicked in the bollocks, and now with the Chelsea v Arsenal Europa final I'm seeing shirts all over the bloody place. Even here down under. Some tit even turned up to the office in his Arsenal shirt.

102 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

lol love it mate,what have we done in life to deserve such punishment mate ;)….. here did that arsewipe shirt have a musky smell to it,you can bet ya bottom dollar that's been in the wardrobe for years.the closet fans will be out in force,or should I say false.

124 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I didn't want to get too close, in case he opened his gob and started with his big club, on the way back up crap.

107 users have voted.

You have to give them credit,though alan sugar on the telly at the moment has not got a clue about football,hilarious interview

120 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

All above and add Sheffield blunts united and the actress sean bean head,marching to Parliament to have us thrown out the prem.

114 users have voted.

Portsmouth for me, can't stand the twats. It's my liking for Southampton, my local club, that fuels my dislike for them and they're always banging on about hating the Saints, well I fucking hate you too so bollocks. Spurs though are my most hated team, always have been and always will be. Millwall don't seem to bother me at all until we meet at a cup game. Actually anyone who beats West Ham can do one.

132 users have voted, including you.
mcbikeman's picture

Hate everything from there sh*t club badge there ground and those bloody bell ringing pompey chimes crap fans! and they have the bloody cheek to sing to us we only have one song lol.hope they stay in div 1

107 users have voted.

For me Southampton, especially le tosser never one anything act like he was messi ,and always gets a result against us ,poxy scummers

113 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Southampton. Used to love watching Matt Le Tissier, wonderful player, but used to piss me off something cronic that they'd always flirt with relegation but survive by the skin of their teeth due to Le Tiss. They were utter dogshit without him

117 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Could have gone to Chelsea. Would have loved to have seen him play for a good side just to see whether he could really cut the mustard. Was galling that he was almost always overlooked for England.

103 users have voted.

Tottenham for me,cant stand them,they think they have the divine right to win,in my opinion they are punching above their weight,they have had a decent team that have gelled for a few seasons,that will change they cant go on forever......................Not just that,their badge says it all for me............Cock Jockeys.

114 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Only in recent seasons, but hate the rubbish little clubs like Bournemouth and Brighton who have managed wins at the LS, sooner they drop and replaced by clubs like Leeds, Villa, Forest etc etc the better!!!

Also agree with 65... Cockney Reds, nothing worse particularly that lot in the late 70's. 4 coaches and at least a train every week from Victoria / Euston

109 users have voted.

It's now the "Chelmsford Reds",seen their bloody flag loads of times at westham!!

131 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

really shocked to hear that its seen at West Ham, just shows you buddy how times have changed. No colours other than claret and blue were seen on our manor in the 70's!

113 users have voted.

I always saw it when we played only live round the corner was never more appropriate!! 2010 when we beat them in the cup 4 nil was a memorable night...

111 users have voted.

As a 10 year old,remember me dad stopping my uncle from getting involved,he said words to the effect "your too old you soppy sod!!"

130 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

I think that's where the ultra's got the idea of flares at a football match,lol,very dangerous that game taking em from behind,if they had fences that could have been fatal.

116 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Nice one 65, I was in the North bank that day, but had a pal from school who was a CR and took a right hander for his troubles in the South Bank, held a grunge against West ham from that day on wards :o)

113 users have voted.

Nice 1 stan.but in all seriousness they were the bad old days

115 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Damn the blunts are back in the prem,i demand nothing but 6pts off them thieves next season.leeds you let me down big time,villa will win the play offs now I guess.

118 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

having those clowns back again..Tevez, Tevez, Tevez... get over yourselves!!

113 users have voted.

totalscum for me ,in fact I'm thinking of taking a degree at the London school of scumbags ,of all their goody 2 shoes traits the thing that pulls my chain is those silly signs that go around that proxy new ground of theirs ,example " this is my club ,my one and only club" " the game is about glory " ,really makes my teeth itch .
A close second is the Scousers ,have you noticed that there is a commemoration, or a minutes silence before kick off nearly every match now ,miserable sods ,they'd have a minuets silence if the club cat died

134 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think we all reluctantly agree that the new stadium is special. However, I have two mates that have season tickets and naturally they initially loved the place BUT... not any more! Its simply the location and lack of infrastructure. White hart Lane has shocking transport links. Seven Sisters I think is the nearest tube and thats 1.5 miles away! after the last game it took them 1.5 hours to queue up to get on the platform and already they are talking about not renewing the season tickets!!!! In truth you cant go from 35K to 62K without an overhaul of the links.

You appreciate I am a fan of the LS mainly due to the superb links. We have two major tube lines with the Elizabeth line to join up (god knows when) plus overground, international and DLR ... and even a few buses!!! 30 mins after the game 60K have dispersed with very little issue. Its all part of the fans experience and WHL is proving a bit stressful for the dear cockerels :o)

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