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Young Mr Earthy

Bubblegirl's picture
Submitted by Bubblegirl on Sat, 25/05/2024 - 08:42

So during my lunchbreak yesterday i watched JLo's first day at West Ham video and all the usual stuff you'd expect to see but the one part that made me smile was when you saw Noble shouting George come here what you doing here as they were showing Jlo the training facilities and the young man replied training on your day off? Noble said surprisingly yeah on my own.
Now that is a marvelous attitude to have and to see and if not all sort of fixed to happen yes a tad cynical i know then this young man will go far indeed so well done George and i hope to see you playing in the first team next season.

mcbikeman's picture

In the youth of the today i'm not having it i tell you its not like when i was a boy aye we had it tuff

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boogerscaravan's picture

The kid is a diamond in the making. Loppy will unearth him in all his glory. The new Foden!

See what I did there sportsfans?!!

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

cast iron's picture

Saw George Earthy on you tube together with Keelan Casey against Sweden which they won on Friday 7th 2-1 bit of a scrapy game though

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