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Terrorist attacks in Paris

Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Fri, 13/11/2015 - 22:59

Huge terrorist attacks. In Paris , many dead during a French v germany football match

moore 6 legend's picture

Heartbreaking, Evil has well and truly been let out of the bottle,Just a matter of time before an attack happens here in the UK, frightening times!

381 users have voted.

I fear for our safety in britain,these monsters will stop at nothing...only yesterday when i heard the news of the apparent killing of "jihadi john" (a media nickname,id rather call him something else) i thought he has been let off lightly compared to the poor aid workers he has slain on video for the world to see.The poor people of paris must be nervous wrecks,it worries me so much as a lot of my family work in london,lets pray nothing happens here...

460 users have voted.

Yes cowardly no doubt. Altho probably true let's not forget as yet we don't have people taking responsibility for this. If it turns out to be I.S / Muslim related I think the good guys who live in civilised countries have waited too long to bang their drum loud enough against the radicts. There should be whole scale good Muslims protesting in their thousands that these things are not in their name. It may not stop it happening but it will give a clear message to those disillusioned people subseptable to radicalisation and also give reassurance to others in the country that most are just normal people. So come on Muslims it's about time you got off your backsides and banged that drum and bang it far louder than you have so far. Stop cowering in the corner.

401 users have voted.

The resounding silence and NO deafening drumming tells you that they are either afraid to come 'out' for fear of retribution or they simply believe in the 'cause'.
I, for one am completely over the pandering to the lefties who harp on about how it's only a minority of fanatics killing in the name of Jihad.
Well I haven't seen many in the 'majority' coming forth condemning these religious 'martyrs'.
Over it........
Stay safe London and keep yer eyes peeled.

339 users have voted.

Aus, the lack of Muslim condemnation will eventually make them less safe as eventually the penny will drop and people will ask the same questions as we are. So that will only give us one conclusion left. For me their silence deafens me and has done for years. Drawing conclusions on this can only be a grey area but Muslims everywhere are forcing us to make them with their lack of activity against this.

469 users have voted.

I totally agree with you both,so its now not safe to lie on a sunbed,to attend a rock concert,to have a meal...ive said it for years it appears that certain people are more concerned about saying the wrong thing rather than a nations security....

430 users have voted.

All decent people from every type of background,religion,etc need to unite in condemning this & other attrocities...May i add England v france game is on tuesday,a chance to show solidarity....

425 users have voted.

Hammer65 us old schoolers realise there is a value on saying " the wrong thing" but we are from an era where we said it as it was and being so sensitive wasn't given the time of day it is now. Imo just another thing that was better in the day and today's society can learn from

449 users have voted.

My cousins son was in Paris last night and in a hotel 3-4 minutes walk from the music hall, he is 18. He called me tonight as he returned back on Eurostar into London. He told me that a guy walked into the hotel reception and was in total shock and beside himself, as he had just lost his wife as she had been shot. Ellis and his friends consoled the guy as much as they could, but what do you do or say? Ellis was totally traumatised by the experience and understandably. A sad and sorry state of affairs and my heart goes out to those that have lost their lives and to the nearest and dearest.

404 users have voted.

Antkb, omg I don't know you or the people involved but it just sounds so awful and harrowing! Just don't get it! Why why? As usual rightly we will show solidarity and as usual the odd Muslim and cleric will condem it whilst the rest will keep quiet. I just don't get it why would they keep quiet? Why hasn't anyone critised that? What conclusions are we supposed to draw from this? How can they ever claim fear from normal Parisians while the sit and do nothing! There can't be any excuse for the Muslim religion not condemning this en masse.

455 users have voted.

Too close to home,what do you do in that situation.Hope ellis can get over it.Watching the news yesterday just didnt seem real,how on earth can it happen?Innocent people enjoying themselves are slaughtered.Very depressing & worrying...

437 users have voted.

I agree with red neck the lck of condemnation is deafening, remember the protests at the start of the invasion? ,NOT IN MY NAME ,millions turned out all over Europe ,certain muslim groups here tryed to organize a rally in Dublin after one of the atrocities, think about 70 turned up .
All the lefties and do gooders are saying "dont over react ,its just what they want ",
I say if they want a war lets give em one

430 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Its time to wise up & take the appropriate action before many more innocent lives are lost.Its time for the "do gooders" to "do one!!"....

394 users have voted.

And your right something should have been done a long time ago.I also agree about assad,he may be a problem but nothing like the problem of isis...

414 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

As Isis started all theses atrocities. But once again the powers to be have let it grow and grow until they have become a real power , just hoping if they closed they eyes it would all go away. It's time for gloves off and just do what has to be done to stop this scum. You will never stop them by talk or bombs it will need troops on the ground to kill this cancer. Bush and his puppet have brought this to the world , but is it affecting them NO .

352 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

It could take a hundred years for our form of democracy to be adopted in these middle- east states and while nobody likes dictators the likes of Saddam did keep his country together, and before anybody jumps down my neck I know it was with an iron fist. After 9/ 11 America wanted to blame somebody and Iraq was an easy target. Remember there were no weapons of mass destruction found. Now everybody has pulled out leaving the country in disarray and wide open for these complete nut cases to try and take over. What these psychopaths did in Paris and in the rest of the middle -east is vile and should be eliminated but guerilla war fare is the hardest to fight. The leaders of this world want to defeat them but they should also ponder how these groups were allowed to flourish. Political vacuum is one of the most dangerous things.

376 users have voted.

Alot of truth in what you are saying cathammer. Trouble is where do we go from here as a long term solution and the escalating of it is all of our own making. For the sake of national security immigration of any kind should be totally suspended indefinitely and anyone going out to these places to fight should have passports revoked and exiled from the country

428 users have voted.

That apparently approximately half of the britons who had gone to fight in syria are back in blighty...Nice 1!So we can all sleep easy in our beds tonight!!!

397 users have voted.

That people who have gone to syria on a so called "package holiday"should be allowed to come back to Britain,you couldnt make it up!The best one was the 3 girls from bethnal green who have gone to syria & apparently have wed isis fighters!!Not long ago on t.v you had the family of 1 of these girls moaning that it was the fault of the police,government & even the school that their girl has gone to syria...The words "look","closer" & "to home" spring to mind....

342 users have voted.

Society today is always looking for someone else to blame rather than looking at their own failings. No one being taught to take responsibility for what THEY DO!

299 users have voted.

Look up the word "missanthrope " the mre i see of shite like this the more im convinced im a missanthrope

342 users have voted.

Burkie 1

I have looked it up Burkie and I can see why there are people like this. Humankind certainly makes me disillusioned. It's ok to critise the atrocities that happened last week but Britain as a whole makes me more ashamed as a race than it ever did as a youngster! Ashamed of what we have become. Everyday I find it hard to sit and ignore the way we have become as people. Don't get me wrong I'm not setting myself up as a paragon of virtue, but I do find myself being happier isolating myself from more and more. Red neck iron? Maybe hermit man?

442 users have voted.

To the England-France game made me proud to be English last night.These mindless terrorists have brought England & France closer together,the only good thing to come out of the attrocity...Red & Burkie you have a point,but what keeps me going is my family & friends,something im proud of....

412 users have voted.

Must admit I didn't see any of the France game, the cynic inside me wondered if singing the French national anthem would work as so many fans and players either don't know or want to sing ours, let alone someone's else's. If this had happened in Germany would the crowd have sung the German anthem? I'm not convinced. it shouldn't make a difference tho.

282 users have voted.

Thought the same,would there be morons who would spoil it?but i was pleasantly surprised, the anthems & the minutes silence were impeccably for would it be the same for the germans?i would hope as a nation we have moved on...

351 users have voted.

We as a nation should have moved on but in my experience abroad we haven't. As for some of dicksys last post basically humans are the most destructive animal on the planet and to go with it the most intelligent and adaptable, a potent mix that has a primal fixation on self destruction. It can't be anyone's surprise when someone predicts that will eventually happen.

359 users have voted.

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