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Merry Yuletide. May your sack be full and your season well and truly greeted.

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Tue, 22/12/2015 - 14:53

I love this time of year. The grotesque advertising, force feeding and drinking our way to an overburdened NHS and sucking the social media teat until our mouths disintegrate into a pussy mess of flesh on the doorstep of history. But less of my household.

As we meander our way along our final season at our spiritual home, my mind begins to swim into the channel of the final straight. The realisation that remaining games will soon be in single digits.

I’ll miss the smell of fish and pee as I walk away from UP station, perusing the wonderful overflowing bins of Green St market, then negating the winding path through the estate of houses whom must so appreciate us on their doorstep.
Then the walk back from whence we came. Avoiding the bush that covers half the path whilst being berated by Police to stay away from the fence.
The more alert among you will have picked up on the fact that I’m not that enamoured with Upton Park. To be more specific, the journey from the tube door to the turnstile.

Once in the ground, however, my heart strings are pulled, wrapped round my head, and yanked from my chest. No other venue in the world evokes feelings in me the way the Boleyn does.
From my first visit in 1984 with Dad and Grandad, approaching the West stand and seeing men high in the air, smoke cigars and cigarettes whilst looking out onto the forecourt before them. The hum of conversation, the smell of alcohol (god bless Grandad) the scarfs and yelp of street sellers, the programme, the smell of the print in your hand. The cranky old turnstile, holding onto Dads hand tightly as the arena developed in front of my eyes like an island appearing in an oasis.
The concrete steps and chipped paintwork. The sporadic outbreak of song, the dirty jokes (god bless Grandad) the laughter, the sight of grown men happy and at home in this place. Knowing there was no other place they wanted to be.
The sighting of the first player running out to warm up. The way the guy standing in the chicken run in the most central spot opposite the tunnel with his coat draped over the stairway would straighten his back and clap. The tidal wave of noise reverberating around the ground, regardless of the player, more in recognition of the claret and blue making its way onto the hallowed turf, as it had done so many times.
The anticipation, more songs, raucous, bubbling bellowing conversations, the checking of watches, the checking of team sheets, the bubble of noise and smoke blurring the senses…..then…..”Bubbles”…….Many will claim their song to be the best. But if a song captures a club better than ours, with more evocative feeling in a few short words, I’ve yet to hear it.
The noise and passion causing my heart to rise and tears swell in my eyes.
The result then means little.
She already has you. For now and forever.
I’ve stood and sat in almost every part of the Boleyn. I’ve loved all of them equally. I’ll miss them similarly.
I look forward by nature, therefore the OS is a wonderful adventure for me and my family. I hope the same journey will live long in my sons memory when they go to the OS for their first game.

Till be different. Like the new Star Wars film, some will be blown away, some will thinks it OK but not as good as the originals, otherwise will damn right loathe it. That’s life my friends. Irrespective of what your head tells you, your heart will drag you kicking and screaming to Stratford. What we therefore must try to do is embrace it as much as possible. Fans made the Boylen what it is, not the other way round, therefore we have a fair old responsibility on our collective shoulders, as the inaugural group to grace this stadium. We need to cheer louder than ever before, to make it as intimidating as possible, an arena of fear. We needs stands to be known and feared, sections of the ground to scare the opposition as we did before. Sure the team need to step up and we need something to hang our hat on. But we probably need to go back to basics as fans too. Think about what makes us so special. Villa Park ’91…..

So as we tuck into some moist flesh over the holiday period (and then consider dinner) think about your happiest memories at the ground. Think about why you go, again and again. Why every other thought goes out of the window when we play (even a friendly) so desperate are we to be with claret n blue.

Then sit back and congratulate yourself, your friends and family. You’re one of the lucky ones my friends.

You’re a Hammer.

Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen x

Brilliant Darren, I just picked up the iPad and thought we must be due a new "flying physio". Merry xmas & thanks

219 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

Come on Dazza, the smell of onions and burgers sizzling in a vat of oil outside the Boleyn ,or what about the lethally accurate peanuts 'tanner a bag' man in his brown BBC type overall inside the ground! Dreams were made from these things!
A Happy Christmas and new year to you Dazza, and to all you other Orgers - Ed

217 users have voted.

I know I have been missing in action for some time but I need a quick catch up!! Looking at my account it just has recent history and nothing else. Where can I insert a picture? Also things like creating a new topic, I can see where it is but it doesn't let me open any of the tabs.

156 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

If you look at your account you should be able to access uploads etc by now, (it needed favourite manager and player info), let me know if all is ok. For a picture upload there should now be an upload image icon in view. All the best N

227 users have voted.

Can't see no picture upload facility, My account has now automatically filled my favourite player (Payet) and manager (Bilic). Not bad choices but remember I am an old timer so would have to be Billy Bonds and Johnny Lyall for me :-)

284 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

Maybe they were not as evident back then.
Peanuts man, vaguely remember him. Good looking chap?.................!
Lets hope we begin to locate some of the fortunes and send our frothy bubbles soaring into the sky where they belong.

189 users have voted.

I dont think any of us can sum up the boleyn experience of the last season like you!Merry xmas my org friend to you & yours!!

240 users have voted.

To you and your family. Keep posting as your posts are nostalgic, funny and West Ham through and through.

212 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Like you I have sat and stood in every part of the ground , and that great day at Villa park ( or was it great 0-4 :(( ) but I think I would give up all my years following West Ham . Just to be able to stand and watch a game again in the Very old CHICKEN RUN . The old wooden steps and getting covered in rust when the ball hit the stand where you was standing. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ORG'S

164 users have voted.

Merry Christmas mate and Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016 to all you orgers out there.

230 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

Great to see/hear from you Aycliffe.
Aren't you getting a card from the Queen soon?! ;-)
Hope you and yours have a lovely festive season.

224 users have voted.

As for the Queen her husband and I share the same birthday so card exchanges have been happening for many years ;-)

210 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

Merry Christmas to the members on this site....we all have one thing in common and only want the best for our club...all the best for the new year...Ian

207 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Merry Christmas to all. Have a wonderful time with friends and family but rememer not all are as lucky as we are. Some poor people out there that for their sins which they shall be punished for follow other teams. It's a sad state of affairs but the future is claet and blue and the OS will shine like a beacon through London.

213 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

G'day Aycliffe, thought you were lost to the org forever! How are you, I hope you've been well. I'm good, thoroughly enjoying the Hammers season it must be said, the typical ups and downs but it's no longer the snoozefest it has been the last few years. Life ticks along as always. Hope you had a great xmas, I've been technology free out in the bush for a few days. Been quite an experiance

214 users have voted.

All is good with the immediate Aycliffe clan but 2015 has been a tough one for some of the senior members of the family and we sadly lost my old man at the end of November. He gave me my passion for the Hammers taking me on my first visit when I was 6 so I thought I would try and get my fingers bashing the keyboard on the org again!

I to have been enjoying the season on the whole but how frustrating was it getting all those injuries at once. Thankfully most of them are on the way back and we have managed to keep ticking over with points where West Ham teams of old would have not. Let's hope the New Year starts with us doing the double over the Scousers and really kicking on from there. We are up at Newcastle in a couple of weeks and judging by their form I should make the most of that visit!
All the best to you and yours mate.
216 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Sorry to hear about your old man, tough when someone so influential in your life passes away but they live long in the memory. All the best to your clan for 2016 and great to see you back on the .org.

291 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I believe there is better to come.
If we don't believe we may as well become spuds.
Glad tidings.

148 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Lovely memories DH,never forget the old north bank,being sat on one of the bar rest by me uncle as a kid, and my arse cheeks going numb with pins and needles,and him saying don't you want to be going a piss now when the ground full up lol.merry Xmas fellow orgers have a good one COYI

203 users have voted.

Back in the day,as a kid i loved it-the sway of the crowd,getting winded by the bars & dodging the puddles of piss!!lol Happy Days...

180 users have voted.
albyforeverirons.'s picture

From a hammer down under, I hope everyone has has a great day and night. With the festive season under way I prey that everyone has good health in the coming year and enjoys what bounty life has in store for you and that we regain the fight we had in the first few games of the season.

244 users have voted.

That was a lovely post Sir, the sights, sounds, and smells of your first trip to UP never leave you, indeed they bring a tear to the eye upon recall. My first trip was in '68 to see the World Cup Winners (thanks Grandad)...And I was hooked! A Merry Christmas to you and yours. and to the Hammers family everywhere.

232 users have voted.

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