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thank goodness for a good start!

Submitted by Chippy Dave on Sun, 15/03/2015 - 11:39

I can't imagine where we'd be languishing in the league now without the fantastic start we had, I know we've had a couple of injuries but this is still our best squad for many a season, we're stronger in every area so no excuses.
I think another problem with our poor form and free fall down the league table will be the disappearance of our 'better' players at the end of the season, Valencia and Sakho have already been linked with Chelsea and Liverpool last January, I would imagine Song will be looking elsewhere, Kouyate looks to have settled into the Premiership quickly so he could be another that teams are looking at, that's why we can't stand still and let the rot continue, it's admirable (and cheaper) that the chairmen stand by their man but we've let a big opportunity slip away this year, we should've been aiming for European football but instead we're just playing out the season

Bullyhammer's picture

I think qualifying for Europe would've been far beyond most people's expectations at the start of the season. Even when we were 5th I think 7th or 8th was the best most of us could have reasonably hoped for. Europe would've been a year or two too soon in my opinion: our squad is simply not strong enough yet. I don't expect our owners to sell any of our better players in the summer, unless somebody comes in with a BIG offer.

257 users have voted.

But we've done bugger all apart from coming close second to all the top teams and dropping points all over the gaff to the 'lesser' teams. One win in 15 is a sackable offence in this day and age. I was one of them banging on about how good we were then Nolan and AC came back in the frame and it all went so very boobs up...Sunderland calls and hopefully he tales it on. Good riddance IMO

250 users have voted.
madhammer's picture

What impressed me with Kouyate yesterday is that while the other players walked off at the end, he came over and clapped the away fans. It shows that some players do actually appreciate us coming to watch the games, I also feel that he and Adrian will be at the club for years to come and will embed themselves into the lexicon of West Ham history

199 users have voted.

Loyalty in todays football goes hand in hand with two things, the player is average and not wanted by a top 4 side or the player is already earning way above what he's worth.... we have at least one of these at our club, can't see Kouyate falling into either personally

227 users have voted.

I'm always shocked when a Team doesn't appreciate the fans, and I think all managers should insist that all the players show their appreciation before they leave the pitch.

236 users have voted.

I think our expectations are so low because we always disappoint bully, we're so used to mediocrity that it becomes accepted, look at Southampton, you'd have to say our squad is stronger on paper, the fact they are where they are now is down to the manager and players

271 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I think our best 11 is better than their best 11, not sure our squad is stronger overall. But yes I agree too many West Ham fans expect mediocrity. However after the awfulness of the previous season the goal of 50 points and 50 goals seemed reasonable. After our position at Christmas, if we don't make that goal, than we should definitely look for a manger who can do better.

267 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Looking like we needed that start now. Pity the way the season is panning out, if we stay 10th or drop a few places it will seem like after The Lord Mayors show. I really do think we need a new manger I think since Xmas it has really shown up Sam lack of skills in management . He was forced to play our new players as his boys were out but once fit they were back in, and doing so other players were forced to play out of position . Now with injuries he just has not got the skill to overcome this bad run .

258 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

But as you know and everybody else is, how many games will he get out of him. If fit all season we could have a good season but what if we only get 10 or so games again.

236 users have voted.

i agree dicksy if we are going to play the old fashioned striker well no better man than him but with a pre-requisite that some one plays off him , someone fast and agile, he pulls defenses all over the place their scared shitless of him , at the same time i also agree with blackpool he does appear to have become injury prone and at 90 k a week do we take a chance , i think all the talk about unloading him is irrelevant dont think anyone would want to take the risk

259 users have voted.

Burkie 1

What annoys me is how Allardyce hasn't come under any criticism for playing carroll in that Southampton game. He was deemed not fit enough to even be on the bench and yet allardyce brought him on and he got kicked in his already injured knee. The first time I think Carroll's injury isn't due to him being injury prone but due to allardyce being a fool.

258 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

Very good discussion going on here and I agree with a lot of the points being made. The ideal situation would be if we could regain the form we had at the beginning of the season and have Carroll as a different attacking option . I thought he was playing well when he came back from injury. He seems to be very unlucky when it comes to injuries. I hope the management stick by him, but if the injuries persist they could take a different view.

262 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I reckon Sully's patience might have run out with Carroll. For games played he must be one of the highest paid blokes in the PL. Trouble is, as Burkie says, we'd not get a fraction of our money back if we could even get anyone to buy him! I think next season, he should only be used as a super-sub -- Sam tried to play him all the time and paid the price.

253 users have voted.

Lol .. I know where your coming from Bully .. I suppose with his High Salary {85/90k ?} and now very poor injury track record who would really want to pay much for our Andy Carroll-Dyer anyway ? .. So unfortunately your Super Sub idea may well have to be a potential answer ? .. Is "Maiga" still on our books if so I wonder how he has been doing ?

249 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Doesn't bear thinking about on our current form thank god Chippy,at least we don't have that white knuckle ride to worry about,then i would feel uneasy about losing our best players to the vulture clubs, Sugo must stand firm and make our squad even more stronger by adding quality not make it weaker, if they want us to move up a gear going to the OS we can't be a selling club anymore!

241 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Couldn't agree more. Only sell if offered "stupid" money. We've been shafted by certain clubs over the years, NO MORE!

251 users have voted.

You're both right but players also have a big say these days, if the club isn't improving then the better players will look elsewhere, helped by a money grabbing agent of course!

236 users have voted.
nt_hammer's picture

You're right that the second half of the season has been a disappoinment Chippy. I can't see that changing too much in the run in either, but even if we finish mid table at the end of it all it would have still been a successful campaign. Yes we could have pushed on to challenge for Europe but I think, deep down, we all knew that wasn't going to be the case. The owners lack of funds in Jan and our injury record has put that well and truly out of the question now. However, I don't see why that would suddenly see a mass exodus of players. Sakho has signed a new deal and so has Reid so I fully expect them to stay. Kayoute too will stay I think. He seems settled and enjoys the club and will probably be rewarded with a new deal as well. Valencia hasn;t really set the world alight so may be allowed to leave but Chelsea won't wnat him now and we would stuggle to recoup £15m so he will probably stay. Song will be the one to go I think. And again, many of us knew it was an outside shot he would stay on with us as he is a big name player looking for a big name club and financial package.

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