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Massive East Stand Flag

Submitted by timmyh on Sat, 10/12/2016 - 00:09

Not sure if anyone has been following the threads on KUMB and WHO? I've been working hard on the idea of a massive east stand flag (Gonzo mentioned it in this weeks Cup of tea video), and been getting the designs finalised. I have put together a selection of the best 5 that have taken into consideration all of the suggestions put forward.

Unfortunately the stadium operators, because of connotations with the standing issue rejected my favourite ‘United We Stand’. The club however backed it and tried to help push it through, to no avail – but that’s what you get when your Landlord is a div and you don't own your own home.

Each design uses the original font that was used on the club badge (before it was changed) to retain the heritage, and logo wise I have stuck to the distinctive crossed hammers. They are all pretty clean and simple – claret and blue with a white logo and each flag in its own way draws on the history and culture of West Ham as we know it, and that none of us want to lose or see disappear.

The dimensions are yet to be confirmed but the plans are for this to be an absolute monster, rolling down from the back of the stand, and being carried towards pitch side at the bottom. Ideally we want it to cover the length of the stand and this will ensure that the flag makes a massive impact.

So, the online poll I have set up can be found here:

The poll is being hosted by all of the major independent West Ham sites, vlogs etc so everyone will get a chance to vote. Since my last post a senior member at the club has contacted me and they will be hosting a poll directly on the official club site in conjunction with the independent one, which will allow other fans that don't necessarily use the independent sites to vote as well.

The results in the New Year will then be added up and the design with the most votes will be added to a crowdfunding site where fans can chip in and make donations to get it made. Flags of this size can be extremely expensive but if everyone chips in a couple of quid then it’s job done. A link to the crowd funding site will be posted in due course.

Incidentally, when the club approached me they also offered to pay for the flag in full as well as a smaller one for the Bobby Moore lower. To be fair to them, they made it clear that they didn’t wanna get involved in the design or retract from it being a fan led thing, they just thought it was a good idea and wanted to support it.

The way I have played it with them is that we should try and fund it ourselves and if we fall short at all they can make up the rest, which I think they are happy to do.

So yeah, here is the link again, go and vote for the one you like the best. IRONS

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