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Favourite TV Game Shows?

ANTKB's picture
Submitted by ANTKB on Fri, 20/03/2015 - 23:58

Excuse me as I have had a few tinnies and I know I should call it a night but, I can't now I have found more archive classics of one (if not the) of my favourite ever game shows. Growing up as a kid and into my teens, my Sunday's consisted of playing footie, sitting in the corner of the pub with a coke and a packet of crisps, Sunday roast of shoulder of lamb with mint sauce and all (with stragglers from the pub in attendance most weeks). To top all of this we then all sat glued to the TV to watch the all-time classic of 'Bullseye'! Jim Bowen with the dodgy gags and Tony Green as the annoying sexist scorer, I say sexist because whenever a woman scored more than 5 with one dart he would check it 3 times and express his dis-belief in his vocal delivery. We loved the show and as typical Brits, we would fall about laughing when a pair got greedy after winning lots of prizes and then crumbled at the star prize gamble of 101 in 6 darts. Happy memories and a great TV show in my opinion, anyone else with stories of favourite shows from years gone past?

p.s. - Bully's star prize has just been won and it's only a bloody speedboat!

But why did it take as long as a commercial break to count out the money eh jim!Didnt jim bowen also invent the farah trouser?These days i try & get home from work to catch "pointless",pointless to some but i quite enjoy the banter between alex armstrong & richard whatshisface!eggheads on bbc2 straight after if only to watch the smug seejay grimace when he loses....

228 users have voted.

Me mum couldn't afford them so I had to make do with a pair from a shop in Brentwood called 'Goodcents'. They had a 'T' instead of the 'F' as a label so you know what kids at school labelled them as? 'Tarah's'!

248 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

who needs a power boat as a prize when you live in the middle of Solihull west midlands ?? :)

254 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Lets have a look at what you could've won

230 users have voted.

Nows thats a blast from the past!He always used to say "thats F A"s tart your talking to" whenever someone talked to his girlfriend.Obviously the show was pre-P.C brigade times, can you imagine that being said on a show nowadays on cbeebees!!

252 users have voted.

Cant believe even the 3rd couple turned down the chance to gamble....;)

250 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Blankety-blank! The BBC shows are renowned for being cheapskates when it comes to prizes, but a cheque-book and pen must take the biscuit! LOL

232 users have voted.

how far can you go back , TAKE YOUR PICK Michael Miles , the yes no interlude where he'd ask a load of rapid questions and if you said yes or no you were gonged , yes ?, dhooooo

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Burkie 1

plaistow-man's picture

I must cut a sad and lonely figure as I don't like game shows just as I have little time for all the reality shows on the box these days we seem to be inundated with them, I especially dislike the "Celebrity Specials"

234 users have voted.

My mrs watches some absolute 'Tosh!", the housewives of Beverley Hills being one of the worst! Celebrity Jungle, Say yes to the dress, Peter wonder I'm on the org and drinking lol

212 users have voted.

i dont watch anything that contains the word celebrity , especially that mc call woman ,she's so far up her own arse she's got tonsillitis

228 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Cathammer's picture

Well ANTKB I'm outnumbered 3 to 1 in my house so if it's not the Kardashians it's bloody Made in Chelsea Aaaaaaaagh. It's enough to drive a man to drink or what I usually do is get out the laptop and see what's happening on the org.

184 users have voted.

and played cricket with him for a bank in London and he went on the show. Duncan was a well educated guy who managed to get a good pay off after 20+ years of service when we were bought out by a large French Investment Bank. He left and went for his pilots license and, as expected, he passed with flying colours. I tell you the history prior to appearing on the show because he got to £250k, and then had the chance of £500k or a drop of £213K and the next question happened to be about the name of a plane. He told us that he was always going to try going all the way but I wonder if that would really be the case in the chair? So the question was 'what was the name of Amy Johnson's plane when she flew from the UK to Australia? Among the answers were 'Pegasus' and 'Jason', Duncan chose 'Pegasus' thinking of a winged horse but.....he was wrong as it was named 'Jason!' Give him his due he had t-shirts made with 'the biggest loser to date' and wore them around Brentwood as he always said he was there to go for the jackpot and he gave it his best shot. Fair play lol

259 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

People like Duncan make that show what it is when it is working well, but boy does It show that Greed is good to some people .
I never want anyone to lose but as he was a banker the whole world and his uncle say's he deserved it, lol.
I am only having a laugh.

249 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Lol Yeah have to give the bloke credit for taking the p1ss out of himself! And for going for it. Must be awful when you think you know the answer but aren't sure, what to do..? :-)

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