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Same old story

Submitted by edwindup on Thu, 27/04/2017 - 15:50

Carroll out, so the same old story. I dread to think how much he has cost the club over the years for non playing time. Seriously think he needs to go or do we keep him as a squad player to come off the bench and not first choice striker. When does his contract end?

But im used to it,hes massively injury prone,& while hes at westham i suppose we just have to accept that we arent going to get much playing time from him...who would buy him anyway now??

134 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

clubs will want him but they will pay very little

125 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

is anyone surprised by this....a slight knock and he's out for a few weeks well I for one think when the seasons over the manager needs to move him on maybe the geordies would be interested but we would be lucky to get £7million for him with his history of I reckon we are stuck with him and he needs to understand at best he is an impact player from now on.

236 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

The biggest surprise is that this is no surprise at all. After Gold tweeted straight after last week's game that Carroll would be fit for Stoke you knew he wouldn't make it. It really is time G&S started acting like club owners instead of fans and get down to resolving the player crisis we have cos if we fail to improve the squad for next season we will be one of the faves to go down.

158 users have voted.

Not seen that but if true could be big trouble for us against Stoke. Does anyone think that Tammy Abraham would be a good fit for us. He's 6' 4", quick and a goal scorer in a weak side in the Championship. I reckon he has great potential.

180 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Bilic would take a chance but there are diamonds to be had in the championship for sure.....but after the season we are having I am hoping that the board back bilic with the cash needed to buy established/proven players who the top 4/5/6 do not show interest in...but time will tell on that I guess.

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