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Blue light flashing

Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Mon, 20/11/2017 - 05:03

Ambulance needed fast ,massive cardiac arrest,prognosis ,only hope an immediate heart.translant ,surgical team standing by and donor organ not yet found ,outcome ,? Patient extreamly weak and cannot be expected to live if transplantation does not take place expeditiously, conclusion ,massive coronary bought on by an under active lifestyle and an extreamly ambivalent attitude at place of work ,not willing to take responsibility ,nonchalantly thinking everything will be ok and not heeding the warning signs ,probable outcome ,not good ,if donor not found by Christmas patients readings will have finally gone to the bottom of his chart and the inevitable outcome will be terminal decline over the following four months .
Sad ,could have been avoided with better care and a willingness to take corrective measures. R I P

mcbikeman's picture

we are witnessing the death of our club...when we go down and it will be when there will be no coming amount of spin will work and the legacy they will of left will be the heart ripped out of the club and every supporter.....and whats even worse mate is that even after yesterday i really could not get angry enough to be bothered i have already written off this season and most of the money stays in my pocket as i am not going to invest in a corpse with the unholy trio in charge so my blood pressure no longer spikes because we no whats coming....i am off to the bookies to see what the odds are on the first team to score double figures in the prem because citeh are more than likely to do that against us in a couple of weeks.

268 users have voted.

Its the opposite for me bike i find myself very down after the week ends ,before this debacle i think the majority wouldn't be arsed about goin down because we new it was for one season maybe three and a chance to re build but this is different, beside the laughing stock factor its the scary element that it might not stop there

206 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore 6 legend's picture

Our next level with the dildo twins and shady brady,laughing stock factor will just become even funnier for the outsiders, imagine this thought burkie/guys,we go down,sheff utd theives come up,aston villa win play offs with Snodgrass,we end up like sunderland,comparing who has the biggest elephant in divison one.

226 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

This is the lowest point I think our club has ever seen. Yes we've been on the relegation hop on hop off bus. We've lost Cup Finals. We've endured the Cairns family, the Hammers bond scheme. The Icelandic woes and the Tevez sager. I've supported our great club since 1968 and this is the lowest point I can remember. We've lost our great ground, our legacy. Now we are beholden't to the most terrible owners who have sold us all out as fans. We've no ground, no prospects, the team are a bunch of misfits, the manager is a rabbit caught in the head lights. Yesterdays display was the worst I've ever seen, and to think I was quite expectant of a new dawn, after all things could not have got much worse. As for Arnautavitch rolling and screaming like a baby, well I think that was a cry to get him as far away from the 1st team squad as possible. I'm speechless now.....

299 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

I dont get down about it anymore,i just shrug my shoulders.westham as we knew it died with the rubble at upton park...
I have spud & gooner mates & the banter now is water off a ducks back,i resent giving the dildo bros & lady bonus my hard earned money for tickets for games,but i go now purely to reminisce about the old days,i dont even drink much these days but last time i went to the L.S i had about 4 or 5 beers just to get through the effing evening...its a tragedy what they have done to this great club & they have been allowed to get away with it!!

307 users have voted.

I thought Arnautovic played okay, nothing special but better than he has been playing. Aaron Cresswell has lost the plot, Obiang was just embarrassingly awful, he must have looked in a mirror afterwards and thought You twat. Andy Carroll is a spent force, hopeless beyond, someone get rid of him, please, for fuck sake. I thought Mark was okay, he tries so hard, I always warm to him and want him to do well. I too am tired of all the corporate bullshit and miss our Boleyn Ground so much it hurts. It feels like someone has died. Fuck the new 'stadium'. I want a new place, brand new. Arsenal did it, Brighton, Derby, Brighton etc..did it and Spurs are doing it. I don't feel I have a close bond with my club anymore. However for some reason I will remain optimistic and I know we will rise again.

258 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

They saw a free meal ticket mate,should of rented the bowl,while rebuilding the boleyn ground, with attendance of 55,000 then this shower of a board would of at least done some good at West Ham, now they are forever tarnished in my book,poo done it why didn't we.

309 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Last I heard burkie,was that the upton park bus garage was the issue,behind the east stand,but that did in the end closed down,and by that time, the dildos and shady had one eye on their prize being the OS,plus a rebuild of the east stand would have cost em money.

249 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

And they did not want to spend it...the planning permission and blueprints for the east stand and filling in the corners were all in place they just let it lapse because it cost money..there money so the decision was purely business orientated

300 users have voted.

I thought exactly the same Burkie, cracking idea...hindsight is a wonderful thing, but sadly a lot of people had some sort of blind faith in the chairmen and didn't listen to the many naysayers...I'm not happy about the embarrassment these people has caused.
New owners might even contemplate knocking it down and starting again.

308 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Sully thinks he's a KGB agent burkie ;)
Oh Sullivan's a W*nker
He wears a Russian hat
We wanted the next level
He wasn't having that
He said we bid fot Bacca
And Lacazette too
You lying midget w*ner
You're only 4 foot 2...Oh.....

283 users have voted.

I'm absolutely dreading Friday night in fact I'm not sure I'll watch it ,These cosy holes have got to get it through their skulls that if we go tits up their going down the toilet as well who's going to want them maybe Lanzini Reid Zab will get interest from prem clubs but the rest of them are potentially unemployed ,who the fuk do they think they are with their "i cant wait to get away from this place " attitude NOBODY IS GOIN TO EMPLOY YOU YOU BUNCH OF MUPPETS

309 users have voted.

Burkie 1

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