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Good stuff

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/12/2017 - 18:16

we battled, we worked endlessly end to end. we lost but this was away at the best side in the country. Moyes produced a game plan, the players stuck to it. well done to them. Perhaps the back 5 is the way forward? offering us a solid platform and making us look dangerous on the counter. Rice was excellent. Who needs Reid? Even cress well playing out of position worked and worked. masuako has to stop the showboating and get the cross in instead. but credit to moyes and the players, we could have snatched a draw at the end too,.

moore 6 legend's picture

Much better, Adrian not only is a good keeper, I think he gives our back line confidence. He kept giving Rice instructions and trying to push us out. Needs to stay in the team,and he got the MOTM well done,After today, I'm sure the defence will feel a bit of a boost knowing he can pull off vital saves.

307 users have voted.

I agree Rice was excellent and he will only get better with game-time . I would have him and Reid at the back. Antonio can run all day, himself and Sacho should start up front next time. Adrian also has to start. There is nothing wrong with the individuals in the squad we just need them all fit and Moyes to mould them into a unit.

343 users have voted.

I really cant see how you can say Rice was excellent he was to blame for both goals,Ried overrated? Come on Fred ,granted hes not having the best of seasons but he's solid as a rock

276 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Because have you watched him? The thing with Reid is he has 1 good followed by 5 awful games but then everyone bangs on bout how amazing he is? Watch him closely, his marking is awful, hes a coward and constantly turns his back on shots, always gives strikers to much space, passing is dreadful and slows the play down. Collins is our best Center Back by a country mile. Also how can you say rice was to blame for both goals? If you wanna be harsh you can say the 2nd but even that one it was fernandes who decided to not track Silva. Then for the rest of his performance, rice was excellent, made some vital interceptions, and kept aguero out the game.

283 users have voted.

Have another look he was right beside Silva ,look im not knocking him he's an Irish international ffs and one day he will be a very good player right now he's young and the worst thing you can do with a youngster is heap praise on them to soon

279 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Yes he will make mistakes,but he has the talent & age on his side imo to learn from them,i think the same about sam byram (granted hes injured at the moment) but i still think he has a future at right back!

279 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

We dont need carroll look a lot better side when we play football not hoof it up top to the bigman who does nothing with it...Rice can only get better and what most if not all of us new already mr sullivan ADRIAN is our keeper not that useless twat hart...guess we will see if as rumoured that Hart has it in his contract that he starts....come on moyes keep Adrian in the team

198 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

Very proud of Hammers performance yesterday wish they had shown that fight against Everton wondering if its the pressure they are under, there was none yesterday because everybody had written them off. I would not change this team, keep Rice in and Adriane. I keep wondering if we could get Reece Oxford back from Germany in January he was as good as Declan Rice when he left, He seems to have dropped right of the radar. If they play like this and gain the confidence I think we could nick a point off Chelski and the Gooners. I cant understand why we have such a small squad deffo need some players in January

173 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

and would you really of preferred the results swapped? a 4-0 defeat to citeh thats expected but a good display against everton and still lose 2-1...i think the results as they happened may work in our favour. Some say its because of injuries others say its moyes trying new things but those players who missed out yesterday for whatever reason have now seen the bench mark raised and if they want in the side they have to prove they are worthy its not the name on the shirt that counts its the performance that goes with it.

317 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

Everton are now 10th Happy days. And with that our confidence would grow -Leicester 1point Citeh 0 pts West Ham 19 th in table No Brainer Every time we turn the corner there's a bus coming the other way

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