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Bobby and the board!

plaistow-man's picture
Submitted by plaistow-man on Sun, 25/02/2018 - 11:36

Following on from Nevs excellent tribute to Bobby Moore I would like to add my tuppence worth.

The march in March is squarely aimed at the board and while some aspects I agree with other points I do not and one in particular is regard the clubs history. The current board have introduced Lifetime Achievement Awards for past heroes and in my view have made inroads regards our formation from Thames Ironworks to the change in name in 1900 in what we all know and follow as West Ham United F.C.
Looking back at our history we forget so easily the Wartime Cup victory over Blackburn in 1940 indeed it should IMHO be recognised as as a "major" domestic trophy (not just for us but those winners who followed).
Many current fans lambast the board for the move from our home of 112 years and while I know that still sticks in the gullet of many I do like the stadium though agree it needs tweaking to enhance the "matchday experience".
One thing I will never criticise the current board for is honouring and remembering it's favourite sons and none more so the the Great Bobby Moore, yesterday at Anfield I was lucky enough to honour the "Great Man" by applauding on the 6th minute of the match while proudly wearing a tee shirt (provided by the club "free") bearing his image, some of our fans did not applaud maybe this bit of history passed them by for me it will remain in my memory as Bobby died just one day after my 33rd Birhday! It soured my day as I was lucky to have witnessed Bobby up close wearing our famous Claret and Blue and the 3 Lions with pride.
Terence Brown and The Cearns Clan never took the time , effort or trouble to do what our current board have done in his memory. Indeed for the faults of the current custodians, lacking respect for Bobby Moore is not one of them!

cast iron's picture

Been a whu supporter for 55 years and i can honestly say that I was left very sad at the display by some our supporters today some times you have to face up to the fact that you did ure best but some times the best team wins as a player in any team you have to face deafeat but today you have seen the game that west ham was relegated because this minoriy of so called supporters, not just the board have relegated our club because their morale has been absolutely devistated but today has been a massive boost for palace west brom stoke you name them, absolutely ashamed of what happened today and if this is what the players have got to look forward to then I would be shitt ing myself so thank all u stupid twats that run our pitch cost the club a fortune and broke the players morale and their hearts . absolutely ashamed to lose a game like this, and a history that I have supported brings me very close to tears

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You see the problem is mate we've been beaten before loads of times ,we've also been relegated loads of times and we've always had the bottle to make a fast comeback, this time its different we go south this time and a lot of fans think its for keeps we'll be playing in a monstrositie designed for 60 thousand with maybe 20 thousand and we'll. Still have the ridiculous playing restrictions, we let them destroy our spiritual home ,a ground that a lot of people ,not just west ham fans thought was one of the best and most intimate grounds in England, i dont know about anyone else but i feel like i had my house broken into and when they'd finnished their looting they raped me again and again ,sorry for being explicit but its horrible what these billionaires have done

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Burkie 1

cast iron's picture

Tell u The championship I'm in the end the board ain't going nowhere and this is the wrong time to do it, wait until the end of the season when and if we go down not now when it affects the players all right they ain't been playing great but I thought they played ok 1st half but once the crowd trouble started their heads went down and it. no good saying this has got no bearing- they would have lost anyway-they will probably go down anyway, because let's face it who would want to play here in this toxic attitude. I will remember this day for the rest of my life, and you wait, these fans could cost us, because if The FA dock us any points that will be it they seem to love sticking it to us, luv it!. So we all understand their sentiments but it ait gonna help, in fact, yesterdays actions could get us relegated. Get rid of the board at the end of the season not while we got a slight chance of playing in the prem next year cos as you wrote, once we are gone we're gone. and it could have happened already because I cant see the other football clubs standing for it and we are going to be made an example of.

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NorthHertsHammer's picture

The board are the owners

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Old iron baz's picture

At 71 years of age, you still learn, over these golden years of mine supporting West Ham is akin to rowing in a row boat in heavy rough seas , one moment on a massive high before you know it down in the trough.
I would hate West Ham to be a air line you never ever know if your take off, or hit a cow grazing at the end of the runway, or land in no where land.
That is the beauty of supporting the Irons. But seeing Trevour sitting there on a day to think of our greatest son, turned into a great shame, the colours of our world class club dragged in the mire, by what and for what anger? God don't we all get ruddy angry? Anger just makes you do wally things, Despare ? Yes we are ALL in great Despare, but sitting near the trap door is the barmest crazy thing ever to start hoofing onto the pitch, had this been in the 60's the old bill would have belted seven bells of horse dung out of you in the meat wagon.
Of course we got a genuine gripe yes we fill bloody angry yes we are tired of being ignored but going on to a pitch is so bonkers to the point of unbeliveable stupidity. Bit like your mate handing you a grenade he pulls out the pin then tell you go and lob it at the directors box, and off you go only he forgot to say you got X time before it goes off, before you know your half up a floodlight in bits. Would you be that stupid no of course not, then why so near to the trapdoor do a action as that? If we get ten point deduction we are Certs to go down, do you want to be another Bolton, another Blackburn, another Pompey go on scream at me we got money to get straight up, sweet Jesus your living in a dream world if you think that, last time against Blackpool we only just nicked it, I for one hate loath playing in Champoinship league. Go on joke if you can, at least we got the best ground, O so funny, maybe as tenents we might get turfed out, thought of that? Fancy sharing the O's ground with them? Worse begging the Yiddos can we play on your new ground sweet lord that makes my eyes water
No what happen was West Ham greatest crime since Jack the Ripper at least he got away with it, we won't when the FA announce ten point deduction to West Ham United FC on the very day our Morro died so did common sense

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Bazzer the old iron

Old iron baz's picture

Scream after scream get rid of the board, ok fine do it, but hold on who do you want in return? Go and ask the old heads of rent boys , Man City any club, where they been taken over by some faceless foreigner wouldn't it be great if say a Argie become chairman !!! I would just love after going in '82 south
Every club brought up by forgiven faceless people suffer badly, ask Hull fans how close they come to loosing their official name, or Cardiff supporters their team colours, the list is endless, is it new this current argument God no you live under Cearns mob, boy O boy what Mr Len said went, as for Terry rip off Brown well least said, do not mention Iceland !!!!! So ok you may fill they are villains but compared to some Johnny Foreigner these are angels you choose

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Bazzer the old iron

I wouldnt mind sharing the "O"s ground,i was born just behind like coming home for me!!
My reply was to your first comment,2nd comment i cant agree with though,all the other previous boards all made mistakes,but this lot have ripped up 110 years of history for a fake dream...can you honestly say that your happy with this new place??

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NorthHertsHammer's picture

The dildo brothers did the same with birmingham but sold when they could not buy a new ground,then sold to a bigger con man ,we were told but did not listen,am afraid i was one of them.Wot about this a ground share with MK Dons,just a thought not nice but as i said just a thought

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That's the point Baz tho. Some people believe that this board are not only taking us down but also likely to take us s down further. Ala Portsmouth, Coventry. That's why they have flipped. They believe this board are happy to destroy us as a club just for the pursuit of becoming even richer. How much money is enough? We don't really have ANY assets to talk of. Normally it's the players and ground. We have few players with re sell value and don't own our ground. They probably think they can bounce back easily and cheaply to get the sky money (they are that deluded) and will cash in on buying the ground eventually for peanuts. They say the rent was the deal of the century but the deal of the century they want is getting the ground for a quid.

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