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Brady blames ... US!

asheshammer's picture
Submitted by asheshammer on Sat, 12/05/2018 - 22:21

Karren Brady has put West Ham's problems down to "malcontents and keyboard warriors". I can't speak for Mal, but on behalf of keyboard warriors everywhere, I resent her imputation. Look in the Mirror, Baroness. (Oops, wrong paper ...)

North Bank Hammer's picture

Not having nice things to say about her while on our keyboards or is one of us writing inane sh1t in her vibrant column of that top quality highly informative rag on her behalf? She needs to be more specific.

107 users have voted.

Yes it's the key board that's running the club like amateurs. Making us look like an embarrassment. It's the keyboard that makes some fans sit on seats held up by scaffolding. It's the keyboard that takes a big per centage from the club whilst not investing real money on the playing staff. It's the key board that leaves us with a small unbalanced squad of players that don't care. It's the keyboard that interferes with the playing side undermining players and clubs in football. It's the keyboard that decides to get the players outside of the the managers wishes in a department they know jacksh*t about. I'd say they ALL have gotten off pretty lightly for some disgusting behaviour and the killing of an insistution.

124 users have voted.

I will never get my head round the way what they have done is widely accepted by our fans,even the marches are a damp squib...things will never change unless people boycott matches but that isnt going to happen

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nevillenixon's picture

You should do, The Sun is a remarkably accurate and inspiring newspaper that carries her journal - Oh I just saw a pink pig flying past the window (again)

102 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

You've once again assumed she's attacking the fans. She's not. It's Sully she's having a dig at. The little guy can't reach the keyboard so he wacks at it with a stick to submit offers for players. That's why we missed out on Carvalho. He was wacking away (easy) and hit the decimal point after the 4 so it looked like a bid of 4.0mil instead of 40mill. That's why the spat happened. SL were insulted and Sully rather than look through history and see what happened thought, after all he's always right, they were taking the piss. Stop being so sensitive all.

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