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mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 02/09/2018 - 06:21

Simple question but Why do our players seem disinterested and unmotivated yet again? its just like last season under new season plenty of new blood in the squad but this same old problem keeps arising....Are the new management and coaches making the same mistakes and being to soft on our players if so it has to stop I don't want to hear about how good we look during the week I want to see it on Saturday when it matters but I already like many here have my doubts we will see that as the old problems raise there head again.,,so why do our players have such a poor attitude? its not like they are the first ones this has been a running theme for a good long while now...I often say that we are cursed as nothing seems to change at our club(apart from the ground!)The board must be thinking the same they have put a lot of money in and got the manager they said they wanted and yet 4 games in we look as poor if not more so than the start of last season?
Players already coming out saying its not good enough we need to do more blah blah bloody blah well get off the social media and start bloody grafting because you just don't earn the support you get from loyal west ham fans....I would like to say things will change and quick but seriously the stick I am getting off of my friends and colleagues already is getting hard to defend and the old whats the difference between west ham and a triangle joke being repeated over and over again is irritating and try as you must to defend your team amongst all the stick thrown my/our way is getting harder and harder so El Pel get to grips and get it sorted or we will be in for another bleak winter.

Cos i agree with them all!!;) i expect the same every week at the moment cos the manager & these players are spineless with no connection to the club at all (apart from noble) but he gets ripped to pieces by people every time he plays...what i get angry at is the way 3 people have come into this club,completely changed it to suit their lifestyles & 95% of there decisions have been disastrous,deep down none of us wanted our great club to end up like this & thats down to their mistakes

92 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Hard to say which is worse......player&manager recruitment is it taken seriously? any thought given to it? When El Pel was heralded as the new man and the man they had been after for a long time I like many I think were surprised but yeah give him a chance but I was a bit worried as his pedigree in this league was with uba moneybags citeh so he was successful but not enough to keep those owners happy so off he went to china and well hardly set that league alight and now he is here demanding money for the players he wanted and demanded they get so with money spent we are already looking bad at the back fabianski saved us a few times yesterday against wolves diopp Balbuena well they are currently our version of mangala/otemendi who he had at citeh and were a disaster only pep is now managing to get a tune from them....I had heralded Bristol city def Aiden Flint as a good buy but you get shot down with no prem experience well neither had the two we got...james maddison also another I thought get him you could see this lads got it but naa too expensive and not exotic enough so he goes to Leicester and looks right at home in the prem...demari gray when at brum I was calling for but again not worth the money but again he's doing well at we have the exotic we have scrabble winning names but do we have a team and a manager that does us proud? well clearly right now we do not....don't panic they say only 4 games in etc but two of those matches at home to wolves and Bournemouth we lost those are a big 6 points to be missing already this season...but both those teams are coached well Bournemouth in particular so why can we not be equally as well coached? afterall do we not have a world class manager and the staff he wanted.

169 users have voted.

These are players that would have added something...unless this shower improve we have a load of panic buys to appease the fans & pellegrini,what sort of way is that to run a football club!!

181 users have voted.

I think the issue is obvious, we have no strategy in the transfer market, whereas a lot of other teams do and they build to their identity. We do a scatter gun approach, fill the team with journeyman pros hoping they come good. Look at teams with recent success; Burnley, young British workhorses, Bournemouth- young pacey mostly British. Wolves- Portuguese technical players etc etc. Every person is bought to fit into the club ethos. We sign mercenaries on high wages with limited ability and fitness and wonder why we struggle. Yes we spent a lot, thank you to the chairman but the players we've bought in haven't really improved us. A couple of young CBs and some average midfielders. The keeper is class and top quality, a snip at 7 mill.
In January we need a proper forward and defensive midfielder athlete who is quick and covers the ground. Sell chicarito it's obvious he doesn't want to be here. If we continue like this we will be relegated come the end of season.

156 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

I am not the only one who has that concern Tommy

156 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Yeah,and moyes had no pre season,Pelle has had a full pre season,hand pricked his own back room staff, players and director of football yet we look worse.

163 users have voted.

This is spot on. The team were fit and could defend under Moysey and there was clear signs of improvement. I was more than happy for him to stay, but seeing Pellegrini and a 100 million pound budget, I'll have to admit I was excited.

Moyes would have bought with a plan and we would not be in this position.

156 users have voted.

Mac in answer to your original post, I'm holding everything in at the moment. Things can't go on as they are. It has to be something bigger than the manager as we have had the same thing with bilic, Moyes and now pellegrini. I'm so deflated I can't even muster a rant anymore.

180 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

I would actually love to hear the players explain why they walk around totally like they couldn't careless and I don't mean on twitter/instagram etc I mean face to face to fans who pay cold hard cash to see that rubbish but of course they wont and unless we fans get behind them 100% well its our fault isn't it!

177 users have voted.

A man with a good memory m6. Trouble is I can't help anymore as my bath ritual has changed outside of Saturday kick offs as I'm at the rugby now. But I still don't stink as much as this team does!

122 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Well I don't know, Fredricks cant pass water, Sanchez couldn't trap a bag of cement, and as for Pellegrinis barnet, well it's got a mind of it's own........... cos he's worth it...... Oh, and the rest is just bollox....!!!

143 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

moore2come's picture

Have to say I was effing appalled at our performance on Saturday. And said to myself when the board went up with four mins left I should go to bed and be happy with the draw. Sat there though and to watch Sanchez dither on the ball as he did, knew then I'd made the wrong choice.
That aside though it was the attitude that worried me more than the inability. No players getting into the box for crosses, midfield static, back 4 not pushing up. I was dumbfounded tbh and Fabianski aside we looked useless. Everyone mocked Palace last season for starting with 7 defeats, well I'm not seeing a win before November which will be 10 before a home game vs Burnley of all teams.

165 users have voted.

Imo it's a rut ,who ever heard of a rut lasting all season ,I promise you when we get our first win we'll take off like a Titan rocket ,when Arnie gets his touch back and wheelchair is dropped to the bench ,he can't cut it anymore in the premiums ,I've been saying for ages Mick is a lost cause ,chic pea can't make his mind up whether or not he wants to stay ,and. What about this young guy Silver ,isn't he sposed to be mustard bung him up front with Arnie .it's looking very much like our best buy in the summer was Fab ,our next three are on the telly ,a run of matches on tv always does it , we'll be fine by Christmas ,now's is not the time to panic , I'll let you know when it's time

180 users have voted.

Burkie 1

I think we have been in a rut for years,except for Bilics first season,other than that what else can it be.I think the situation this season is, it is too many new players too soon,Pelleigrini STILL dosent know his best eleven.I think that when it clicks,we wont know when it is or what team it will be against,home or away,they will get seriuously spanked,and it will make big headlines.

172 users have voted.

Now if you are right i will gladly eat humble pie & say i got it totally wrong...a run of matches on the telly always does it??not from my recent memory it doesnt in fact quite the opposite.Youve just answered your own question about the players above & pellegrini has the demeanour of a man that cant hack it already!!the players have zero confidence,theres no camaraderie,the performance saturday was the worst this season by a country mile...
Good luck with that prediction...

165 users have voted.

We've got no choice 65,their not goin to sack him ,well not before Christmas any way and we're certainly not going back to uppers ,I really believe that what ever the problem is it can be put right with 3 points but if we let this black depressing negativity get a grip it will eat us alive , we've got to stay strong

200 users have voted.

Burkie 1

mcbikeman's picture

But we fans do stay strong its the players who do not....they may believe the sugar coated nonsense that gets fed to them week in week out about how good they are and what top players they are but not one of them one of them would show the guts and determination that the Watford players did yesterday against the spuds...if we go a goal down we lose(wimbledon against 10 men not counted)our players have no stomach for a fight and our new all singing and dancing manager has no clue as to how he wants the team to play or the best eleven he has.....after the international break its everton away now before everyone starts heralding how great they are just rmbr they struggled to draw at home with Huddersfield another team expected to be fighting the drop all season but a team that will fight as a team unlike ours....clueless and no bottle that's us right now Burkie and one win whenever it comes will not change that.

152 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Bang on Burkie. It could be seen throughout the game on Saturday, there was nothing to indicate that they wanted to win. They seemed to be expecting the ball to fall to them every time and if it didn't they weren't bothered about trying to get it back until it went out for a throw of GK. It was truly abysmal

106 users have voted.

Gone are the days when my weekend was ruined by westham results,ive come to expect it,i just get angry at the demise of our wonderfull historic club....growing up i couldnt give a monkeys what league we were in,we used to get tonked most of the time,but being westham set you aside from the glory long as you had the banter in the crowd thats all that mattered,those days are long gone

138 users have voted.

I agree with every word there mate,though i do still get pissed off when we lose.Why is it like this though,this club has always been like it,i remember some horrendous games lost over the years,right through the 70s,abysmal, though we still won the FA Cup in 75 and 80,its like we are constantly under a black cloud now..........One good thing about the weekend,Spurs lost.

149 users have voted.

Difference now is the culture of the uppers it felt like everyone was in it together like one big family,regardless if we lost every week...

150 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Is the latest player to come out and say he is ready to battle hard for the fans and we must do better after the international break.....if they put in as much effort as they do with there social media we would be top of the bloody league..whats that old saying ahh yes its "Talks cheap" or if you prefer "actions speak louder than words" lets see what happens T-13 and counting!

164 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

With no interest in West Ham other than a fat pay packet. Not just in football, but in the East End of London as well. Can't see anymore homegrown players coming through the ranks. Local boys who would die for Claret and Blue. For free!!

159 users have voted.

In his nightclub back in the day...Also what about his left peg?he was renowned for his balance on the ball but it looks a bit bent up there!! 58 quid thats a bargain.;)

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