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Social Media Experiment Failed Miserably!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Tue, 09/10/2018 - 16:25

Any members having difficulty logging in today will be pleased to know you are no longer asked to log in via your social media platform! It was an experiment that cocked up badly, we won't be trying that in a hurry again! - Ed

mcbikeman's picture

I do not use any social media like facebook/twitter/instagram etc etc a luddite maybe but kids and young adults ruin there lives IMO with the constant use of such things...ok the old gits going to get his slate and chalk out now and write a withering barb to Nev for attempting such a thing!

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This site (& a great one it is too) is the nearest i have ever got to any type of on-line media (if thats what you call it!!)
Never done F/B ,Twatter or any other social i havnt got time & second there are more interesting things than telling people what you have just had for dinner!!

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mcbikeman's picture

Dropped it and trod on the bloody was a clam phone lol everybody said time to upgrade too one of these not so much a mobile more a computer that could do calls if you wanted but does games/social media etc well I laughed at the sales guy in the shop who going into all his patter etc and I said that's fine mate but all I want is a phone you no the whole point of was like I broke something he couldn't told him I just want a phone say something like 25yrs back when that's really all they were..don't have any he said lol so just popped into argos got me a £12 alba and it does me fine....I can still txt and call someone wow who would of thought that's what you would use a mobile for!

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Glad to see more like me. Got a phone so basic, I accidentally left it in the pub on a table. I went up town and by the time I'd realised I'd left it, an hour had gone by. I rushed back to said pub, only to find the phone actually hadn't moved! Best deterrent in the world, a crap version of anything. Apparently it does the internet but no idea how you get on it. Infact I don't very often take the phone out. I don't even have an idea what Instagram is.

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