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Orgers Old And New

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Mon, 21/12/2020 - 11:54
We have to comply with EEC exit regulations that require confirming members who have not been active still want to maintain their membership and data to be held on our servers....if you would like to leave and have all details removed, please log in and cancel your account, if you want to keep things as they are, you need do nothing.
boogerscaravan's picture

Been here since 04/05 still not caught that........................................................Taxi!!

57 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

mcbikeman's picture

i need a deadline date so i can consult with my advisors and may ask for an extension as to consulting further then i will give a date for my answer that may or may not be written in stone and as such is subject to change the closer it gets even though i am absolutely 100% decided a decision cannot be made until further consultation with my advisors who will be asking for open and fair negotiations so can you please ask your question in plain and simple language we all understand and not the veiled threat of expulsion that it Heralds.

60 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

Don't want the org to be accused of being a mens only club now do we

68 users have voted.

Hi guys, sorry, busy getting into arguments on Twitter, need to come back to the Org fam!

62 users have voted.

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