Jarrod Bowen has escaped major sanction, but has been warned by the Football Association over a tweet from 2012 that contained a racist term. The 24-year-old will also complete an FA education course for the tweet, which he made when he was 15. Bowen apologised for the content of the post earlier in April, describing it as "offensive and immature".
The FA took into account Bowen's age at the time, as well as the fact that the post was made eight years ago. Bowen was not registered as a participant in football or as playing affiliated football when he sent the tweet. He would not have been under FA jurisdiction at the time.
The club have spoken to Bowen and said the issue would be "dealt with internally". Obviously there is a clear line that must never be crossed, but 15 year olds have never been known to not make mistakes, as Harry Redknapp once said "show me someone who says he has never made a mistake, and I will show you a f**king liar!"
This 'offence' is highly historical, but it is good that a line has been drawn under the event, now hopefully things can move forward. We would never wish to condone any form of racist behaviour, but also recognise the errors of youth. - Ed

when i was a youth
there was no social media the only way to post things was thro a letter box or newsagents window and a web was the home of spiders,
That's the problem today Elt
People obsessed with knowing what others think or say about them every moment of everyday......guess what not everyone is going to agree with you or like you and there is nothing you can do about that its called life....i thank God i was born when i was life was so much better and fun...as for the spiders ref Elt rmbr when the winters morning made there webs glisten in the hedge rows on way to school and you could collect them by bending stalk picking it up and scaring the girls with it lol ahh good times.
Agree fellas
Back in the day life was so much simpler,most 15 year old boys have immature views... beyond belief that the FA can drag this up,but modern life & social media has created this nonsense
Is the FA looking for
Is the FA looking for something to do,trawling through stuff 9 years ago.I agree 65 this social media and self portrayal is causing alot of problems,this site is the only thing i go on,facebook,twatter etc is certainly not for me.
There's plenty for them to do
There's plenty for them to do going through the daily abuse handed out by trolls to black players rather than bring up an offensive tweet from when a kid's 15 and has matured. FA does exactly what the initials indicate
Same here Essex
Dont do anything else apart from this site mate
Absolutely, no social media
Absolutely, no social media for me I call it anti social media it's for kids and insecure amoebas....
Looked at facebook 5 years
Looked at facebook 5 years ago and only lasted a few months. Could not believe what people said to each other so came off. I have relations in Australia and have a whatsapp with them to keep in touch but thats all. Where the FA found Bowens 15 year old tweet and why they would want to highlight it is beyond me.