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Good and Bad News

Submitted by jeffhammer on Fri, 13/02/2015 - 16:05

Andy Carroll is out for the season and Adrians red card has been rescinded.

Bullyhammer's picture

Sad for Andy, but we have to look very hard as to whether we can in the future consider him as a starting player. Justice done as far as our matador is concerned! :-)

185 users have voted.

I agree Bully but with Sakho and Valencia up front, we return to our strongest and most successful line up.AC is without a doubt one of the unluckiest players with injuries but he is a whole hearted player who throws himself into every challenge.

159 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Great news about Adrian but we are charged with failing to control our players even though we were protesting the fact it wasn't a red. You couldn't make it up

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