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7 Reasons Why the Premier League Continues to be a Dominant Force in European Football

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 21/07/2022 - 12:22

It’s easy to dismiss the Premier League for the constant failure of England to impact the international football stage or the continuous influx of foreign players, but nearly three decades after its launch the Premier League continues to set the stage for all others. This is because it generates the most excitement and wealth across the globe.

Part of the reason the Premier League is successful is due to the increasing number of fans who want to watch it more than any other league. In fact, Nielsen Sports projects that Premier League partners and clubs can expect a global value ranging from £700k and £2m per match.

But what makes the Premier League a dominant force on the global football scene? Let’s look at the reasons below:

Rich Heritage, Culture and History

The Premier League boasts a rich heritage, history, culture and authenticity that most football lovers crave. Participating teams aim to be ambitious, inspiring and connected for success. They have a shared vision to strive for excellence when playing the world’s most compelling and competitive game, football.

With a mission of creating experiences that invigorate lives and excite people, the EPL remains inspiring to many. It also safeguards the integrity of football by being trustworthy, responsible and objective.

Excitement and Inherent Competitiveness

The English undeniably invented football and exported their invention across the world. As many feats continue to be achieved in football, the Premier League seeks to carry on these feats. Even more, the EPL draws fans from across the globe to place bets on their favourite teams or players on online gambling sites such as Buumi Online.

Teams that play in the Premier League face a high level of competition. The evolution of each player requires difficulties, which help develop the player. As players reach their potential while facing challenges, they have a choice to either stay in the league or play elsewhere.

Changes in the Distribution of Foreign TV Revenue

Numerous protections are in place to ensure a fair revenue distribution amongst EPL clubs. This means that all participating clubs receive a standard payment.

Teams earn based on their final position in the Premier League table and the number of times they appear on TV. In this case, the top teams earn more than the bottom teams.

Also, the television-rights deal signed by the Premier League outshines all its European competitors. In fact, The Times reports that international TV deals for the Premier League stand at £5.3 billion while the domestic deals at £5.1 billion in the 2022 to 2025 rights cycle.

Players in the League

Some of the world’s best players play in the Premier League. Think of Mo Salah and Kevin De Bruyne. The Premier League has the best players compared to other football leagues worldwide. It ranks fifth in total goals scored per game, fourth in point differential, second in continental victories and second in discipline.

One of the reasons why Premier League players are so competitive is the power of their top teams. With so many big names in this league and lots of stake, players can’t help but be in their very best form.

Solid Foreign Deals

While other members of the Big Five tried renegotiating TV deals at the end of the pandemic, the Premier League wasn’t struggling at all. Its brand was strong enough to pull in lucrative foreign deals. This was attributed to the increasingly hungry foreign TV market eager to watch the teams and matches.

Thanks to these solid foreign deals, the Premier League continues to invest in communities locally and nationally. The impact of their investments continues to help those in need.

The Collapse of Domestic Deals for Other Big Five leagues

Thanks to the Premier League’s ability to negotiate a small rebate back to the UK TV broadcasters, they continue to stay ahead of other Big Five leagues. The PL managed to get a like-for-like extension on the UK TV deal that lasts through 2025.

In contrast, Ligue 1’s revenue collapsed post-pandemic due to fewer domestic deals. La Liga also had to negotiate downwards, making them inferior to the Premier League.

Champions League Restructure

The Champions League restructure left many wondering where European football was headed. It was met by reactions like UEFA adding more unnecessary matches to counteract the aspirations of the Super League.

However, these efforts proved futile and gave the Premier League a competitive advantage. Owing to their considerable wealth and monopoly over the transfer market, the Premier League can exploit the weakness of other leagues.
Final Thoughts

The Premier League is a force to reckon with in the global football scene due to its world-class players and equitable distribution of commercial and broadcast revenues. The participating teams also face a high level of competition and receive lots of support from fans across the globe. Even more, their viewership is higher compared to other leagues.



hammergirl's picture

That top of the league or bottom it does not matter on the day anyone can beat anyone and its not just now and then it happens regularly unlike other leagues where teams just lay down and accept defeat without trying,,,,it is that competitiveness that makes the league stand out as well

28 users have voted.

It could well do that here before long H G with shitty and the poo emerging more and more dominant its hard to see some teams not taking that option.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

One can pretty much guess who the top 3 or four clubs are going to be and the money thrown consistantly at the top either by prize money or Sky ( and the new arrivals such as Amazon and BT) has just made the gulf wider. I much preferred the old Division One format with two up, two down. One being you pretty much didn't know who would be the League Champions in any given year even with the clout that Man Utd had back in the day. Seeing the likes of Derby County, Ipwich Town or Forest upsetting the applecart as Champions. It also had the bonus that the clubs to be relegated were pretty much decided with games left to play which gave the "safe" teams the option to bleed in their youth players to give them first team game experience. Not least was wearing club colours without ugly sponsorship logos or political messages on sleeves and pretty much having players in your teams one could relate to who grew up in your local areas. There were players with skill one could enjoy watching, British players, Marsh, Best, Bowles, Worthington, and the likes of our Devonshire, Martin Peters etc. who were allowed to play a free game instead of the team "ethic" employed nowadays with the constant back or side passes. We used to boo back passes to the goalkeepers in those days, now its a regular part of the game. No VAR, only one camera recording the game, not twenty or thirty with the ability to freeze frame with silly lines drawn over the screen, muddy pitches and tackling as it was a mans game.
Ahhh yeah. Those were the days

26 users have voted.

Deluded,youve taken me right back,yes i agree it was better,players wanted to play for their team,British and came from the area they played......Its all ruined by money,that decides where you play,and who for,and as you say even deciding where you finish in the league,if you spend like us,youve had it.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Even the commentators and pundits were better back then. David Coleman and Kenneth Wolstenholme on MOTD and Brain Moore with expert analysis from Jimmy Hill on The Big Match. Now it's Alex Scott, Murphy and yeah, even Joe Cole. Dearie me, Thank the Lord for the mute button

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