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Do We Need Policing?

Submitted by Louis Nixon on Fri, 18/11/2022 - 10:11

As you all know, we do our best to keep the site running smoothly with as little intervention as is possible, we concentrate on generating enough revenue to finance our super secure server but without inundating our visitors with advertisements. We think we have achieved a near perfect balance however we do once in a while ask the question as to whether we should intervene in 'site spats' or just leave them to run their course. So we ask this question, as members and visitors are you happy with the way the site is moderated or do you think we should be more proactive?
If you have an opinion please let us know, we are planning some restructuring in order to spread the editorial work load which has been borne by the Ed for too long, given he has been unwell he needs time to get better and should be concentrating on that rather than sorting out site problems.
Louis Nixon

Firstly get well Nev,and hope you are on a speedy recovery......This is a wonderful site,easy to use,and hope it stays that way,i dont find any faults with it at all.Regarding the members and guests,we are all of the same family supporting West Ham FC,and welcome new members.We also appreciate peoples in puts and opinions,as they all differ,but we do seem to have certain people that appear at times and dont accept that,and pulls apart what gets said,dissects it,throws it back in your face,which antagonises,so causing ill feeling,then comes back to put the blame on the individual thats reacted.This does become rather upsetting,and it would be a grave shame if it continued to up set and lose the camaraderie that this site has bred,and so losing valued members.

34 users have voted.

well soon Nev take care stay strong

35 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

I echo whats been said above. Get well soon Nev. The site is great, I live on the more jovial side of the fence and don't get involved with spats on the very rare occasion they develop.

Remember keep calm and fart rainbows gang.........

40 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

I rarely get involved in spats,but this one is an exception.its all about opinions on here but this one enjoys digging people out!!doesn't know when to reel it in

35 users have voted.

I think there should be bans given for use of personal insults defo. Some on here just spout insults thinking it gives them a high five.

33 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

Get well soon you and others run for me the best site for our club and the friendly banter cheeky at times is fun but some just seem to want to create arguments and controversy instead of accepting many differing opinions on here and i may i say well done for taking swift action on the matter so now after Scamacca its a tie between yourself and Burkie for second:-)

36 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

Aahh H G ,that might be the nicest thing anybodys ever said to me ,im all choked up now and im blubbering, the bottom lip is goin like the clappers and the barman wants to know whats up ?. You sure your not Irish ? ,being Irish is the ability to tell someone to go to hell and make sure their lookin forward to the trip .

34 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

English Rose is me,The only Irish in me is the occassional Guiness lol

32 users have voted.

Get well Nev. Speedy Recovery to you. I first stumbled across this site 2005-2006 season. Instantly joined and gave debated with many a Hammer. Seemed to lose the account around 2013? Rejoined again. Same name. Had a very bad run in with a former member. Name escapes me but the way Nev dealt with him was superb. I think the word you used to describe him Nev was Virulent? Keep up the good work.

36 users have voted.

Pretty sure he was Robeto the hammer,then changed his name to something that had spurs in it,to antagonise even more.He was really arrogant & ignorant & I'm sure Nev sorted him out

45 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

GWS Nev. I appreciate the lack of policing, it allows some more colourful content through at times. Keep it as is and the world's a happier place(except after a WH game hahahahha)

30 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

First things first Louis,please wish your dad a speedy recovery, as expressed by all the orgers ,second ,imo there's no need to touch this site ,except by making his work load lighter ,and lastly a big thank you to yourself, your dad and all the staff on the admin side of things .
The best west ham site by a country mile .

38 users have voted.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Nev. I’m a big fan of leaving things alone, if it’s not broke don’t fix it. Same with government, the more politicians interfere in our lives the more they feel they need to interfere. All of us on here are passionate about the mighty hammers and we all like to complain about the manager, the board, the ref or this or that player. I love the different opinions expressed often passionately expressed here. But let us all keep in mind a sporting analogy “ play the ball and not the man”. If someone says something you passionately disagree with by all means give your contrary opinion but please, don’t make it personal.
Supporting West Ham is the heavy burden we all carry, remember we are all on the same team here.

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