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Why is this allowed?

cast iron's picture
Submitted by cast iron on Sun, 02/07/2023 - 14:12

Why is it allowed, to Buy Players like Kai Havertx and Timber when they are still keeping us waiting for our transfer fee of £105 million they are not messing with Chelsea or Ajax about, how come they can use this stalling tactic on us that could result in us missing out on Harvey Barnes, Alex Scott Etc. Think the FA should make clubs Finish their negotiations before they can bid for another player. Even supposed to have bid for Mbappe and Laporte this morning How about usig that money to pay us???, definitely think this is an unfair stalling tactic and should not be allowed by the F.A and to be honest I am surprised Sullivan has stood for this. We,ve all heard that this is all about FFP but how long are we Going to stand for this, if they want Rice then this should be settled, or pull the plug on the whole deal because i think they will mess us about as long as they can get away with it. and then WE will have 30 million in our hand and all the transfer targets gone

Dartford Bhoy's picture

its an excellent point you raise Cast Iron. If its a so called done deal I think the payment for for us buying other players on the strength of the Rice deal should be as good as Money in the Bank. I am a little concerned about the time its taking, Suli is right to insist on good payment terms but not at the expense of losing the deal. A compromise needs to be found fast, the last thing we need is Judas Rice hanging around like a bad smell!

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moore2come's picture

I think with most transfers clubs negotiate a payment plan over a number of years which they all seem happy to do. Sully is demanding a more substantial amount up front, as is his right, and this is the sticking point. Should be done this week and hopefully our new DOF has a ready made list for us to work through

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cast iron's picture

Yeh get that and nearly every club will spread payment but lets have it right Stan Kroenke has not put a brass farthing up yet, that was a week ago there still talking about Rice playing in no 41 shirt and what hes gonna get a week still think they should pay at least 50% up front nd still talking about getting in 4 players dont know where that will leave them with FFP next season but I still think they should settle this before being able to bid on new players. It aint as if he hasnt got the money his wife is heiress to the Walmart foundation which is worth 9 billion and he is worth 13 billion so I think they can afford to put a few pence in ring and stop Jerking us around and as it stands Arsenal are allowed to get away with this Tactic- still say this should not be allowed. Show us the money!

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