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another transfer circus

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Tue, 09/01/2024 - 14:30

Nine days in and West Ham admit that the three man committee of Sullivan Steiden Moyes have yet to make any decisions on who they are looking to recruit but admit more loans than permanent as "January" is always a difficult window.

Antonio out for another 6 weeks they are saying...Kudus away Pacman and Bowen nothing being said how bad there injuries are or are not alongside Mavrapanos the perfect storm is arriving and at the wrong time for a manager who only plays his favourites and anyone else he just leaves on the bench until he is forced to use them.

Chickens have come home to roost now for the club and there transfer policy which has left us with a wafer thin squad who have a lot of talented youngsters who the manager does not want to blood and players who the manager wants out of the club and will not use unless forced to do so...and that is the situation we now have.

Once again the Club on the verge of doing something special will shoot themselves in the foot the team will slide down to midtable and come the summer Pacman will be off and Kudus and Bowen not far behind and Alvarez to leaving the club with Soucek Zouma and Ogbonna to excite the fans....

Happy new year everyone:-)

Was just thinking the same Bike. In truth the club don't know their arse from their elbow!
Every man and his dog new we would be losing players to AFCON. Everyone new injuries would hit due to the workload of certain individuals. Now we read that players which were to be let go to finance new additions will not be let go as they need to fill the void. You would have thought the club would have learned lessons from previous windows. Steiden has one job. Too recruit players. Surely he should have had a number of potential candidates lined up and ready to pull the trigger.
Now as you know. I'm not Moyes greatest fan. But all the hard work him and his team have put in will be for nothing if a good few additions are not added. We are now in bad shape going into Sheffield Utd & Bournemouth games. Both games where 6 points are a must. Fortune has favoured us again with the draw in the FA Cup with another home tie against on paper inferior opposition providing we can beat Bristol City in a game we really don't need. One slightly under par performance in the round of 16 in the Europa League could see us out of that. Thongs are going to start getting tough & Moyes needs the Cavalry.
I think we missed a trick with Werner. Loan deal. Can't be as bad as Ings. But once again. 1 step forward. 2 steps back.

10 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Its not just this window it seems to be every Enfield mentioned we got Steiden in for a reason but no thought given to how the manager would deal with someone coming in over him and so a three man committee was made up to try and get everyone on the same is a mess and never gets cleared up..if Moyes stays i can see Steiden leaving so what would the point be of the club trailing him and offering him a job been for.....But its west Ham full of good ideas just nobody with a brain to implement them

8 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

reinforced my point mcbike. It's every window now. Hence I don't get involved in the spiel anymore until it's on the OS.
I'm of an age when the first I knew of any signing was reading the Evening News or the Evening Standard or maybe the morning papers on my paper round. Biggest surprises for me would be the Greaves/Peters swap and the signing of Peter Eustace for a club record fee. Blimey, Didn't see THAT one coming. Of course, in those days there was no such thing as windows

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mcbikeman's picture

When Phil Parkes signed in a deal that came out of the blue and one of the better ones we have made in our history

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hammergirl's picture

And now it is our turn and like buses they come in threes and to first team players very annoying and none appear to be short term ones either so like it or not Moyes will have to use players in the squad he does not want to and they no it we no it Moyes knows it and why would those players bust a gut for a man who has ignored them and how would any of them be match fit or interested in risking an injury if they can get a move this month.
So the transfer window like it or not is important this month and by not doing more to get players in that the manager would use from the bench the club now faces the fact that the season could implode in the next few weeks and the manager for insisting on having a small playing squad now faces something he has created and that is a number of players tiring because of lack of rotation and so pick up injuries that could be avoided but have to play with them and then they comeback a lot worse and now we have the situation that we are in.So the board or should i say our triad transfer committee had better act fast look at the spuds got Werner in on loan and seem to be bagging a new CB today or tomorrow and we well we are just treading mud and this always happens until Sullivan goes rogue and buys or loans in a player Moyes does not want and so another will be added to the bench never to see any actual playing time.

5 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Zouma, if you're reading this - I'll drive you anywhere you wanna go. All airports, ports, transport hubs, you name it, I'll foot the bill to get you out of my club!!!

7 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

newburkie's picture

One thing you and me don't agree on bike , he's perfect for Moyesball cause of the sitting back ,I think he's pretty solid hear its the odd occasion when they try a high press he can't handle bit slow getting back there .

7 users have voted.

Football has finally fallen on it's sword. Due to the ludicrous scheduling for some clubs. Most are gripped with horrendous injury problems and squad depletion due AFCON.
To top it off. Nobody can add reinforcements due FFP.

5 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

That FFP is a joke they seem to be picking out the easy prey,and leaving the likes of Shity alone
. Look up their trans activity, it'll stun you .

6 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

I'm sure Trans activity would be front page news in todays society HG!! Personally I've started to identify as a non binary alarm clock!!

8 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

mcbikeman's picture

Thats a yellow and close to being a straight red but of course we cannot say that the red is straight as that is insulting as it has a right to be anything it wants to be so you got lucky.

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moore2come's picture

The investigation into City is going back more than a decade, whereas Everton and Forest is only over the last 2-3 years.
The Prem have now decided the date for the City hearing but won't announce it. Why the f*** say anything then. Not like they're actually gonna do anything anyway.

8 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

What they'll do is another matter. Rangers and Juventus both suffered massive consequences for varying reasons so the benchmark has been set. Lots of other clubs have had points deductions too for varying reasons so there is definitely a bar set for just ONE misdeameanor never mind 115.

7 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Chavski demoted to the Forth league as per Rangers. I would personally hire an open top bus and celebrate around East London or get one of those aircraft with a banner to fly over the first Sutton United Fixture saying "The Surrey El Classico" :o)

(Appreciate technically they are Middlesex but its their fan base)

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Slowczech and Excite in the same sentence... thats a first!!!

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