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Who's the West Ham Legend to assist Bilic ?

Submitted by wrightyshanghai on Sun, 14/06/2015 - 14:55

Quite wide spread and generally un disputed rumour going around that Bilic (or Gold and Sulli) will bring in an ex West Ham "legend" to assist running of the club. Names that have been banded around are Cottee, Gale, Dowie(wtf) and even Deano. So who would you like to see back at the club as assistant coach to the backroom staff Bilic will put in place ? Interesting that PDC hasn't been banded about yet, but no doubt time will tell......

So, answers on a postcard ?
Bullyhammer's picture

I've heard PDC's name mooted... jokingly... I think! :-)

The trouble is our owners tend to exaggerate, and the word legend is over-used IMO. Dowie does NOT come into that category; Devo has a new job so is unlikely, most of the ones I would call true legends are quite old now; can't see people like Bish or Macca or Dicksy taking the job. So I dunno.... maybe Cottee - it'll be interesting to see.

426 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

It's me, I need to renovate this bloody caravan somehow..............

430 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Or T.C are good shouts,would love dicksy as well in some capacity,& deano also would be great!P.D.C would like too much control i feel...

403 users have voted.
madhammer's picture

I think its Dicks, PDC wouldn't want to be a coach under Bilic I don't think. I would like to see Rio get a role at the club maybe see Potts become assistant and Rio take on the under 21s

395 users have voted.

Sounds good MH, I don't know what Julian Dicks would bring in the way of coaching, I suppose he's worked under some decent managers

449 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Id like to see Ashton back, he'd have so much to offer our young forwards and to have his career cut short I'm sure he would relish the opportunity. And Carlton mentioned recently about wanting to return in a staff role - you need a joker in the office!

429 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

would love it to be julian dicks but he is currently doing a good job with the ladies team. would you give that up ?

431 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Just seen his tweet bondsy about working with bilic a fan asked @JULIAN3DICKS Will you be coming to work with Slav? You two on touch line would terrify oppositions I think!... "Only Slav and West Ham can answer that"

388 users have voted.

Julian would love it! and if we are going to get a past West Ham Legend I reckon it's him! He is still very passionate about West Ham and listening and talking to him last year at the Stophammertime podcast he would be a great asset for Slaven Bilic.
The only thing against it is that Bilic has so far taken his two assistants with him each time he has had a move and he might want them at West Ham.

390 users have voted.

A D Bonds

Bullyhammer's picture

I think the 'West Ham Legend' would be on top of Bilic's assistants. So how much input he would actually have I'm not sure. I reckon Sam only allowed Teddy to give a few tips, and didn't let him dictate play in any way. Julian wouldn't be much use in training, he wasn't a fan of training! :-)

444 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Yes, anyone who doesn't give 100% in a game will have to have a 'talk' with Julian: he'd make Ole Red Nose's 'hair drier' treatment seem like a friendly chat! :-))

403 users have voted.

Joined Slaven Bilic's coaching staff as Slavens first team assistant yesterday :-)

480 users have voted.

A D Bonds

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