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No Wheels On Their Wagon!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 18/02/2024 - 10:09

There was a novelty hit record back in the sixties when such records sold in vast numbers, many a coke habit and country pad were paid for by the royalties such 'dumned down' music generated, even the great Sir George Martin used to make songs like "right said Fred" before going on to craft some of the Beatle's finest.

Eventually people outgrew Novelty singles and songs like 'Three Wheels on my Wagon' were confined to the past. The essence of Three Wheels was the song recounts a hazardous journey made by an American pioneer family aboard a wagon being pursued, with the wagon progressively losing each of its wheels one by one, those good ol' Cowfellas in a Wagon being chased by tham thar 'red indians' across the Plains concludes with the Cherokees capturing the wagon, but being asked to "sing along" with the family in the final chorus: "Higgity, haggity hoggety, high. Pioneers, they never say die ..."

You will excuse the digression from what has become the usual 'autopsy' following yet another 'CSI' Hammers performance, but finding the creative juices to be positive about the club is currently as difficult as finding water in the middle of the Colorado desert!

Pathetic, Abject, Appalling, Headless, the list of adjectives could go on as long as a cheap thesaurus could keep listing. Surely some ones somewhere in a position of power MUST realise what is going on? West Ham dared reach the glass ceiling and then promptly shrank away from the challenge by REFUSING to take the next step required.

There ARE actually mitigating circumstances however, Manuel Pellegrini and his partner in crime Huscos metaphorically raped and pillaged the club leaving Sullivan and the dear departed David Gold to pick up the pieces. Hammers have only just finished paying off the last of the money owed for Pablo Fornals for example, Pellegrini will be laughing his bollocks off at getting his man for a song.

Likewise, Felipe Anderson has proven to be an excellent acquisition for Roma, a player Pellegrini completely destroyed. The Chilean spent big and seduced Sullivan and Gold into 'buying a lemon', a spanking gleaming model on the outside but a rot box underneath.

So the Board had their hands well and truly burned, BUT they are perpetrating that injury by NOT pulling the trigger on Moyes! They appear to see him as a safe pair of hands whereas he is the one who is going to silently assassinated their dreams.

Unless they bounce Moyes they will lose the support of the fans who WILL still but their season tickets but who could start a Guirilla campaign of 'non co-operation' by not buying replica shirts and the like, money still talks and perhaps that is the only way ANYONE will take notice.

The 'Kretin' in the Sky certainly won't want to see his investment lose value, but what about the rest? Only time will tell, but they are fast running out of Wheel's on their Wagon. - Ed



great summing-up of our predicament exactly no wheels on our wagon but we are going to have to Stick it out till the summer because they will not sack him and he will not walk un like my boots that were made for walking

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Thats right Elt,they wont get rid of him,and im not sure even at the end of the season either,depending on the league position if we just avoid relegation,other than that they could offer him a year,it would be in the best interest all round,if he stated he cant take the club any further,and leaves on his own accord,but he wont do that.

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