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F**K the Gooners

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Thu, 16/05/2024 - 12:57

Normally these Wa**ers dont bother me but hearing them asking us to do a favour for our old mate Rice and them makes me want to puke.
Only last summer they were whining Rice aint good enough he's not worth £60miilion let alone the £75million they bid blah blah blah then for once Sullivan would not be screwed over and stood his ground we got the money we wanted and Rice the move he asked for.
So here we are end of the season they qualified for Champions league and they are saying they got Rice on the cheap actually said Half price what a bunch of maggoty Spawny C**ts they are and on top of that they are begging us to do them a favour....yeah right well you lot can do one and unlike Spud fans who were begging to lose to Citeh to Stop the Gooners well i am not asking West Ham to Do that all i ask is they play for us the fans and forget that rotten mouthy other club in North London....if by some miracle we win then we win for ourselves not those Tossers

I would prefer the Arsenal winning the league than Shitty TBH. And Rice deserves it. But as you say, play for ourselves not others.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

City with all the money have actually cheated their way to all Championships with no chance of passing the FFP rules. They have shown contempt and arrogance to the system and the FA allows it as they have have the Lawyer Fire Power to blast all comers hence they pick on the smaller boys like Sheffield United and Everton.

Frankly I dont give a rats who wins, its not us in contention and with a weak corrupt FA it will never happen.. Leicester City was truly a one off

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moore2come's picture

Not just the FA, it's the PL, UEFA, FIFA, IFAB, all existing just to make more money for themselves and fleece the fan.
The PL and PGMOL will waffle on about making VAR better. Doesn't need to be made better, just need to lose the useless twats behind the screens who at times seem utterly clueless. The technology works fine 99.99% of the time.
I'm just glad the season is ending tbh. It's been a long drawn out affair and the winners gloating will have no bearing on West Ham. With the Euro's on, that'll be a good distraction from the transfer drag-on-a-thon where West Ham only wake up come August. Then the good times roll again.

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Like Essex. I want Arsenal to win it to piss off the Spurs fas. Also to piss on Sky Sports parade. They are convinced City will win do have allowed TNT the Arsenal game. So when Bown latches onto a throughball in the 90thminute and smashes home the equaliser. All Sky will be left with is watching City in tears. No trophy presentation. Also Neville & Co eating g a large slice of humble pie for declaring City champions before they even play us.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

I look forward hopefully, to seeing a crestfallen Declan Rice as he realises that he ain't won anything at this "winning" club. In fact I will record MOTD so I can rewind and rewind and rewind again that image. Hopefully the cameras will zoom in on his miserable face. I will laugh and laugh and laugh again. At this point, I don't give a toss about City and FFP or Spursy fans getting upset.
Bloody Judas. Needed a bit of loyalty to a club that took on a Chelsea youth reject, built him up to become a Premier League regular, and England International regular, a captain and a trophy winner.
Did I say I hope Declan Rice wins nothing there? Him and that Harry Kane can have a little cry together at the Euros :D

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boogerscaravan's picture

Blimey Deluded, that's a bit strong!

Loyalty you say. Loyalty in football went out with the dinosaurs. It's all about the money, the flash cars. The social media profile, and of course the schweethearts.

I must say I think Rice was a top bloke all the time he was with us. Nobes tought him well.

But I don't hold any grudges towards him. I wished him all the best when he left. Which he did with the utmost dignity it should be said. I'm nearly 61 years old I don't hold grudges in football anymore. I'm not in the playground anymore or in some tribe down the boozer!

I genuinely hope we beat Citeh cos I cant stand their domination. If we do and Arsenal win the league, I'll say well done Dec I'm pleased for you. It aint gonna change my life, we move on to the Euros and next season that's all!!

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

I can't even watch the fekers now(with the exception of Sunday of course ),I really hate them as well ,they've fucked up the prem with their bought in invincibility, but it's the media who piss me off ,they seem to idolise them with a passion, I know in all proberbility sunday game is a foregone conclusion but I'm avin a score on us at anything from 17/1 to 22/1 .this would be the biggest upset in the prems history.coyi.

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Burkie 1

Deluded Hammer's picture

Than Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal recently though.
To be honest, I don't enjoy watching City purely because of their style of cross field and back passing. Whether this is because most teams pack eleven men in the box instead of trying to make a game of it ( cue David Moyes), I don't know but Real Madrid games apart, I can't recall one decent watchable game with City. Surprising with the talent they have at hand.

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You bang on Deluded.,I can't watch them either anymore ,they play exactly the same as Barca when Pep was in charge there ,slow ,methodical build up ,passing it around the back four ,bloody awful.
I really hope he plays Wee Gorgie tomorrow, I had a very clear dream last night ,we won 1 - 2 and he scored a cracker of a winner .

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Burkie 1

Dartford Bhoy's picture

us playing around the back four, Zinadine Zouma with the ball at he's feet, its like Bambi on ice, the worst ball player I have ever seen in the claret and blue!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Never forget how bad Sandy was, my mate said we must have forgot to buy his legs!

Remember his first game, a friendly away at the Valley... shocking!

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boogerscaravan's picture

Ive seen one legged players pass better than him. Plus they'd piss all over him at an arse kicking contest. The useless cart horse cat kicking klint!!!!

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

but I never want to see any London club other than West Ham win anything and if we can’t then stuff the lot of them.

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