I still say he should be knighted, but the powers that be are so far up their own arses about 'tradition' can't see it happening any time soon... idiots!
I see almost all the choices are from the 'arty-farty' world! At least Richard Attenborough is favourite, he would be my choice above all the other options.
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I still say he should be
I still say he should be knighted, but the powers that be are so far up their own arses about 'tradition' can't see it happening any time soon... idiots!
Bobby Moore SCORE fantastic
Bobby Moore SCORE fantastic idea
Nice 1 mooro.
Makes sense!
I see almost all the choices
I see almost all the choices are from the 'arty-farty' world! At least Richard Attenborough is favourite, he would be my choice above all the other options.