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West Ham United v FC.Astra Giurgiu Team Sheets

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 30/07/2015 - 19:03

West Ham United: Adrian, Cresswell, Kouyate, Zarate, Noble (c), O'Brien, Collins, Ogbonna, Payet, Valencia, Oxford
Subs: Spiegel, Nolan, Jarvis, Maiga, Poyet, Burke, Samuelsen

Astra: Lung, Alves, Seto, Enache, Budescu, Morais, Boldrin, Gaman, Teixeira, Quieros, De Amorim
Subs: Gavrilas, Florea, Oros, Lovin, Dandea, Alves, Stan



moore 6 legend's picture

Yeah who'd want to be a Manure fan 20 times 20 times poxy scumbags
20 times 20 times i say ,20 times 20 times poxy scumbags
you would win "Eff-all" without the FA ;)

104 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

LOL I do wonder what it must be like to win stuff every year... they get blase and it can't mean much after a while.... kinda makes the whole think a bit pointless and empty....... If they suddenly went bankrupt and had to sell all their players I reckon they would quickly end up with less real fans than us!!

101 users have voted.

Between real fans (like westham) compared to the likes of the mancs,is they become suicidal if they have a bad (trophy-less) season....we are used to the ups & mainly downs of supporting our great club...manure-F**king glory hunters!!

100 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I think, like all the rich clubs, they have a smallish core of ';real' fans, and the rest are just good time charlies, who don't have any genuine connection or feelings for the club, who aren't really bothered when they lose, and who would swiftly move on if Manu/Chelski/ManC went back to being a normal club.

95 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

I liked the way Zarate took his goal,the guy certainly has got ability,definitely worth keeping.Maiga has yet to convince me,but I think he needs more time with this new coach and style,it may click for him.Still would like another proven quality goal scorer like Hernandez to provide more options.Bilic will need to scrutinise the way Westham came under the cosh once Collins was sent off,defence looked exposed once Oxford dropped into the centre back role.The midfield cover definitely needs some positional discipline in that area.I just hope Bilic treats the second leg seriously because Westham will sail through if they play their strongest side, games in Europe are something fans have been waiting for a long time ,may it continue.Let the Arsenal game take care of itself,take each game as it comes,if we pick up an injury,there is enough strength in depth to cover.Like you state Toronto ,Arsenal will have to contend with the Charity Shield and what team to put out there.A 2/3 day gap between the Astra and Arsenal games will tax their bodies ,but these guys are fit and strong and I expect the majority to play in both,and if they are not up to it there are some eager youngsters knocking at the door,ready to prove themselves.

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