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Bournemouth Or Wigan In The FA Cup

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Mon, 08/01/2018 - 19:35

West Ham United have been drawn away against the winners of the Bournemouth versus Wigan replay for the fourth round of the FA Cup. Of course there is the less than small matter of having to overcome Shrewsbury Town in next Tuesday's replay at the London Stadium!

As the commentators of the match against Shrewsbury said, "West Ham cannot possibly play as bad as they did again". Well being West Ham that is not a given, the Shrewsbury players will feel like they are walking out at Wembley when they step out for the replay at the London Stadium, visiting teams, particularly those not used to playing on such a good surface in such a brilliant vista tend to up their game, hence the fact that Hammers' have achieved disproportionately good results against the 'top teams'.

Two players whose commitment in the first fixture has been called in to question are Cheikhou Kouyaté and Javier Hernandez, Kouyaté's lack lustre performance could well be attributed to havng played three full on games in the space of a week, but their was no excuse for 'Chicarito', he was just pants. OK the mexican striker was devoid of decent service but as West Ham's highest paid player surely he could have put a shift in? That lost art of chasing down the keeper in order to instigate a mistake and the even more forgotten art of making throw ins uncomfortable for the opposition when they attempt to take them, if your on £130,000 per week is it too much to ask that you make an effort?



Dicksy Hernandez wasn't even doing the basics. No interest in the game at all. No effort and wasn't even close enough to ayew to work as a pair. Striker school rule one is you can't get isolated from your partner. No excuses for him.

249 users have voted.

Because he was falling on the floor for most of the game!i reckon hes over done it on the old fajitas....when he ran out for the beginning of the game i had to look twice i thought johnny vegas had signed for us!!

176 users have voted, including you.

The way you lot are talkin hes gone from being one of the best forwards in Europe to a washed out sack of shit you just dont put a player like that in a position like that up front on his tod and dont talk about Ayew ,jees now he is crap ,well maybe not crap but he'll never fit in here

216 users have voted.

Burkie 1

About him carrying a fair bit of timber!yes he is the type of player who scores goals in the box,so is ayew but like other people have stated they dont fit the point in playing hoofball to someone who is 5 feet nothing & also if he was one of the best forwards in Europe how comes nobody else was falling over themselves to sign him??i want every player that ever pulls on the claret & blue to do well,but sometimes (& especially at westham!!) it doesnt work out that way...

226 users have voted.

Chicharito is obviously not spending too much of time on his knees and praying before the game. Maybe, he should pray for 5 minutes longer and he may get going.

229 users have voted.

Imo one of the best forwarders here in recent years was Manual Zarati. You wouldn't ask him to play in that position ,Chicpea is a goal poacher ,one of the best ,i dont think we've played him in his natural position once ,he tucks in behind the front two ,i read a state once ,hard to believe ,that all his goals have come from inside the box ,if we let him go i think we will be sorry

238 users have voted.

Burkie 1

I don't think we will be sorry if we let him go! That's not to say I don't think he isn't good. Dicksy touched on a point that for me is scandalous from the club. You say you have been after him for 2 years yet haven't given a thought on how to fit him in. You don't just buy a player you rate! You buy that player to fit into the way you are playing or at least the way you are shaping your team to be. I don't blame Moyes but he won't fit with the way he wants to play. Even less so if he doesn't make the effort. You gota blame bilic and maybe even Sullivan (and his kids) they rate their ability to spot a player but not one of them considered how he would fit in. Is Sullivan just buying players with big names regardless? Both Hernandez and hart fit that but neither work. Makes you wonder if he just wants to ponce around saying I signed this player or that player. The whole thing is ridiculous .

213 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Good player but not in our system. To be fair, Bilic didn't have a system the past two seasons. Moyes seems to be developing something, but not the sort in which Hernandez fits. Look at how Moyes integrated Elbows into the attack -- there's potential there. He was being wasted under Bilic. But you can't say that Hernandez has found a role in the new environment.

177 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

should we get past Shrews its yet another away draw, how does that happen to us so regularly?

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