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Crikey Mikey, It's All Going To Go A Bit Pete Tong Isn't it?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 29/08/2015 - 16:03

1962 was the last year Hammers got a result at Anfield, certain members of the Org staff were 6 years old, others a distant twinkle in their father's eye! It is only half time, but the game so far shows that Slaven Billic is an astute manager for AWAY games, where his propensity for a solid defence that allows his teams to hit on the break is a potentially winning formula. It is all part of the Premier League managers learning curve, however you can guarantee that the next match at the Boleyn against Newcastle United will not be a Gungho attack, attack ,attack ,Toro, Toro ,Toro full on big bang, rather a more cagey let the other team have possession and hit them on the break affair! With the players currently at his disposal this could be Slaven Billic's best option. - Ed
Of course being West Ham it could end up 5-2!



Bullyhammer's picture

This Orger was 6 too! And not yet even aware of West Ham United! If we can hang on to this... I need a drink!!! But have to drive 400 miles EARLY tomorrow!

376 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Trigger: Yeah, I'll have a beer.

Boycie: How can you drink with Slater? That's the man who stitched you up with them knocked-off green shield stamps and sent you away for 18 months!

Trigger: I know. But when I came out I got an electric blanket and a radio with 'em

373 users have voted.

My favorite is from the same episode, the inlaws had been discussing the merrits of the merchant and royal navy ,dell comes back from the kitchen,
Dad in law " were you a navel man Derek:"
Dell boy " know i was always a leg man myself "

374 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore2come's picture

Too many classics to mention but I always liked Rodney, Albert and Trigger discussing Whale conservation
Albert: I know a lot more about the sea than you do Rodney.
Rodney: Oh God, here we go!
Albert: You'd be surprised how quickly these whales breed.
Rodney: Three...
Albert: And there not all as gentle as some people imagine.
Rodney: Two...
Albert: You get a quite a lot of 'em together and they can be quite dangerous.
Rodney: One.
Albert: During the War...
Rodney: We have lift off.

345 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

did not see that coming, well done lads, great game, another bad day for the ref.

314 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Also heard that this is the first time in 8yrs, Westham have won two away games on the trot.And what odds would you have got them to be against Arsenal and Liverpool?

363 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

I had £3 in change when I passed the bookies after I finished work, and got some shite from my 'pool work mates..

    I did the 1-0, bet 2-0 @ 50/1 and 2-1 @ 25/1................3-0 was 100/1, I thought we'll never beat them tossers 3-0.....I can't wait for work on Tuesday we have 8 'pool fans that's getting both barrels ....A Happy Hammer..
364 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

Can't wait to see that twat on TV...

337 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

May this be the start of something beautiful.

305 users have voted.

This idiot claims that West Ham is not a "good team" and it his own Liverpool team that did not play well. So Arsenal did not also play well against a bad Hammers team who scored 5 goals away from home and did not concede a single goal, the best away record in the premier league so far this season. He further claims that West Ham will finish near the bottom of the League at the end of the season. The guy needs a reality check. At least West Ham did not play well in their first two home games but they fought back in the second half to make it a close game in both their fixtures. Liverpool like Arsenal just got worse in the second half and both sides just could not score. West Ham on the other hand have scored goals in all their fixtures so far.

349 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

If the truth was known thatchhead is lucky his poo didn't take more of a battering,reid should have scored for sure,on another day it could have been a cricket score we were only in 2nd gear,they were let off the hook :)

370 users have voted.

Without Gerrard the scousers had no chance to fight back, still have nightmares about him in the '06 FA Cup final.

373 users have voted.


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