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Foot And Mouth Outbreak At The Boleyn! A Cunning Plan?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 20/08/2015 - 20:26

Was this all a part of a cunning plan? Heaven knows David Sullivan is definitely a lover of the 'cunning plan', his timely comments relating to West Ham United's inability to sign prolific striker Charlie Austin from QPR because of financial fair play and the player's fitness have evoked an understandably curt response from the player himself via social media, and a lot of tut tutting from Loftus Road. The fact is this is another example of brinkmanship and redemption, paper and ink, truth and lies, call it what you will, but the role of being a business man, an owner, and above all a supporter and life long fan will take it's toll with various 'Prince Phillip' type gaffs waiting in the wings. So it seems to the slightly jaded of observers that the Austin 'Metro' saga is an example of pressure getting to a person who really should know how to deal with it! Quite why Mr Sullivan chose to 'dis' Austin so spectacularly is open to debate, some say he was merely trying to deflect the fact that the kitty is already empty, and that this was indeed a cunning plan, others that he should know when to keep his mouth shut, whatever he meant, the Hammers co-owner has done an immaculate job of bridge burning hasn't he? - Ed

Austin wrote: “I feel I have no option but to address the inaccurate, misleading and uninformed innuendo about my physical condition that has been raised today by an individual who is not privy to my personal health history.
“It is one of a number of inaccurate reports about my so-called injury problems which have been made over the summer.
“For the record, there is nothing wrong with my ‘ligaments’, as has been suggested. My strength and performance in pre-season has been excellent and with two goals in my last two games I don’t think there is any doubt that my match sharpness is as good as ever.
“I scored 18 goals in the Premier League last season, which would not be possible were I feeling discomfort or pain.
“Like many professional footballers, I have the legacy of injuries picked up over my career but the effect on my day-to-day training and on matchday is non-existent.
“For a senior figure at a Premier League club to insinuate that I could break down at any moment is an outrageous slur on my professionalism and the work that has gone into making me the footballer than I am today. I am fit, strong and looking forward to Saturday’s home game against Rotherham.”



If we havnt the funds to buy him fair enough,no need to comment about the player,just move on,but if its true what sullivan is quoted as saying-why disrespect charlie Austin?Embarrassing is the word that springs to mind....

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Bullyhammer's picture

Sullivan seems to love the sound of his own voice. He said on the same pod-cast that he wasn't on Twitter because he'd just get too many fines from the FA, so he's aware he shouts his mouth off too easily, yet he still does it. I don't think there was any great plan or pre-thought behind his words, he just said out loud what his thinking was in not trying to sign the guy. On the other hand, it's seemed from the beginning they had absolutely zero intent of signing Austin, so I'm not too concerned about burnt bridges.

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TungstenHammer's picture

This episode will give an incentive for Charlie Austin to score against us - whether he signs for a Premier League club in this window or returns next season with QPR. Doesn't mean he will damage us but I can't him ever signing for us in future, which I regret.

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