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Moyes' Road To Redemption

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 02/01/2021 - 12:29

It has taken him 11 years, but David Moyes finally buried one of his 'ghosts' by beating his former club Everton in a dour but gritty win at Goodison which proved even to the most negative of Hammers fans that he is starting to 'build' something special. Moyes' achievement is even more special given the severe restrictions he has had to work under, Covid-19, no money, big mouth owners, and an imbalanced disparate and desperate squad.

Having been deemed a failure during his ten month tenure as Sir Alex Ferguson's successor at Manchester United, with a success rate that was equal to or better than the next three managers that were appointed after he was dismissed, Moyes desperately sort solace abroad in Spain, unfortunately that didn't work out as his Scots accent proved to difficult for the players to understand, really!

Moyes' ill-fated European adventure was then followed by an equally disastrous spell with a Sunderland team that was doomed to relegation from the moment he took over, after that Moyes contented himself with a bit of punditry, but being a canny Scot was still being paid 'gardening leave' by Manchester United for all the times he was not employed by other clubs!

Eventually Moyes was paid for the five year duration of his original contract at Old Trafford, so in a way he got his own back, but his stock plummeted during those years until redemption came in the form of a relegation threatened West Ham team that was crying out for some 'Moyse Management' techniques. The rest they say is history, Moyes saved the club from relegation and was promptly rewarded with a P45 courtesy of a Board who were eyeing 'bigger' prospects, and we all know how that particular adventure ended at the hands of Moyes' successor, Manuel Pellegrini.

Pellegrini and his director of football Mario Husillos then oversaw a disjointed and incredibly expensive recruitment drive for exotic 'big club mentality players', and ended up with mental ones like Roberto Gago! Finally after spending every penny and a whole lot more Pellegrini and Husillos got given the 'tin tack' and the Board had to go cap in hand to Moyes and ask him to rescue the club for the 2nd time around.

Fortunately the club's hierarchy were able to eat enough 'umble pie' to entice the 57 year old Scot back to the London Stadium where he swiftly set about 're-training' the squad that he had available to him, many of which he would not have touched with a barge pole had he been in charge of recruitment.

The players that have come in since 'Moyes' second coming' have been nothing short of a revelation, and the players he has shipped out know the score between themselves and their manager. There has also been the added joy of Moyes' 'gagging order' placed on the owners and their sycophants, which has led to the club being viewed in a different light, professional believe it or not, a word NOT associated with West Ham since the arrival over ten years ago by Messrs Gold and Sullivan as well as Priti Patel's evil Sun column writing elder sister.

Given the right backing, Moyes could oversee a serious assault for a European qualification place, a situation that must have the co-owners deeply regretting their over indulgence of the 'Pellegrinophile', they saw, they aimed, they missed! Moyes has all the tools in his locker to turn West Ham in to the club it has threatened to be for years, having no crowds present has given Moyes the 'honeymoon' of being able to set his team up to grind out results, a learning curve that is nigh on impossible in front of a full house of fans 'baying' for a bit of "Toro Toro Toro" whilst completely forgetting the need for clean sheets and defence in depth.

Moyes has only just begun, so. long as he is left to his own devices and given some fiscal support, he CAN make the club in to a constant success instead of a 'YO YO outfit. Keep it coming Moysie! - ed



Yes Nev,and long may it continue,time was what the man needed,and it seems to be paying off.As a team we are giving as good as what is given,and not folding when the going gets tough,where as before the heads would go down and we rolled over.Yesterdays win proved we werent happy with the draw,and persisted on to get the win,its so welcome to see its,but there is only one area in my opinion that needs to be addressed,you all know where,and once this is sorted,im sure we will be a top eight club,and some silverware please.

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hammergirl's picture

David Sullivan he never seems to learn the appointment of Pellegrini and the money with which he showered that man with was obscene and foolish indeed as clearly that mans career in football management was on the downward spiral,i was not one of those who thought he treated Moyes unfairly because he was offered a job and a chance that at the time nobody else was willing to give him and he saw out his contract and got a nice bonus for keeping us up so unlike certain media sources who harp on about us treating him badly and then sacking him Fake news as a certain orange haired bufoon would say.

Now once the Pellegrini disaster was ended i credit Sullivan and co for going cap in hand to ask Moyes to return and to Moyes credit he has done and when able to he wrestled money from the coffers for Soucek and Bowen and here we are a year on and Moyes whilst still dealing with issues left by the previous manager has managed to change and mould us into a team clubs now worry about playing and whilst it is clear we need recruitment in certain areas i for one am happy we do not have a boat load of cash to throw at the problem because as Fat Franks finding out it does not always solve your problems and brings added pressure.

46 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

A Man Utd slip up, a Real Sociedad open goal miss, Sunderland… too far gone, West Ham catch and then drop……. Inevitable dismissal, West Ham luckily get a chance to make a catch again…and manage to hold………. What Unbelievable luck. I have Never doubted Moyes’s ability at the highest level and for him to actually accept this job for a second time after what was generally seen as public humiliation…. Says everything you need to know about the man being big enough. As well as being a manager of great ability, he has that rare man-management skill that you cannot teach or buy.
I’ve supported this club for a Very Long time and I can honestly say that since Johnny Lyall…… this IS the manager that this club has been waiting for and it seems like this is the club that Moyes has been looking for. I even think he is better suited to us than a club like Man Utd.
For too many years as a supporter, I have had to look back on battles for survival or the occasional win against a top-six side (which we all look back on all misty-eyed). Moyes, in this season ALONE has put the old Fancy Dan West Ham image to the sword and has opened all our eyes to the direction in which we should be travelling and what we can achieve.
During the earlier years of the web, I used to trawl the internet for news about my beloved West Ham…. These days I avoid some of the so-called West Ham YouTube sites who border on the toxic due to the number of hits that they need to generate. Questioning Moyes’s every decision when he is still managing players on big contracts brought to this club by another manager and having to re-purpose players to fit our needs… This is the reason why I have to avoid those nonsense sites.
But I am Totally confident that we have a manager capable of creating a “New” long term Legacy for this club…. And if he gets a fraction of the funds that, that idiot Pellegrini got…… Anything is Possible!

21 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

David Moyes and his backroom staff (Pearce, Irvine, Nolan) deserve a lot of credit. I have no doubt Noble has been in the background buoying the players as well. We look fitter and I like the 3 at the back system. Cresswell has benefited from Motes system and has been a revelation. Ogbonna and Balbuena have been solid and Craig Dawson has proved an atatute signing. As others have said Bowen and Soucek are superb signings as has Coufal. A few additions that fit the system would be great going forward.

25 users have voted.

Moyes has done really well the dildos & bonus have actually stayed quiet & a team to be proud of...the signings of soucek & coufal have been inspired,bowen & benny will come good,Ants is back too...ogbonna has to be one of the best centre halves in the prem on current form & fair play to Les Dawson,not as much as a comedian as we thought he'd be!!;)

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Someone enlighten me on what's so different between Moyes and Allardyce that Moyes doesn't get the abuse suffered by Sam. Moyes hasn't even got the bottle to attack the teams which, on paper, are the most likely way of getting 3 points. Brighton at home being the latest case on point. Take a look at some of your comments during that match on this very forum. Hypocrites.

22 users have voted.

The problem is Haller,once he was off we were a better more attacking team.Ants once fit with Bowen & benny will score goals I'm sure of it...difference between Moyes & Allardyce - hoofball!! Sam did a job got things right got things wrong,moyes imo has been wrong to persist with Haller,but hes got the best out of some very good players we have now.a westham manager who ever he is gets stick & gets praised,part of the job,the great john lyall got loads of stick at the end of his tenure

24 users have voted.

One thing erks me about him ,i know hes a traditionalist British manager ,hes more concerned with defence rather than attack ,his refusal to even consider replacing La lump with (for my money Snoddy ) one of many players who would give anything for the chance ,not only that but his refusal to come out and admit publicly that the guy is U S ,rather he seems to be enthusiastic about him ,my one criticism of him ,before all the pro Moyers come on and condem me ,just ask yourselves one question, would any other manager in the prem tolerate this dud ,maybe the likes of the blades who have their own useless lump ,maybe big Sam, lets face it he fattens on useless lumps ,and maybe our own Scotty .i would love to see the special one ,corporal clopp and baby face's reaction when asked would they sign him ,even fat Frank would piss himself laughing

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Im still sat on the fence as far as Moyes is concerned, I wasn’t happy with his first stint with us particularly his criticism of Declan Rice in a game that he made an error of judgement whilst playing at center back, Moyes hung him out to dry in the interviews and that could have killed another person’s career. But, I would give the following mid term school report:

Attendance : missed school due to corona virus but had in place an excellent back up team that delivered results.

PE : Much improved as seen in the fitness stats. Strange obsession with the name Ben Johnson.

English : Needs attention, particularly comprehension due to Glaswegian accent. That said, one of his fellow pupils (Snoddy) has assisted with translations for the whole class.

French : Might want to drop French (Haller) by Michaelmas.

African Studies : Missing, but can see future improvement (Arthur)

Portuguese : Coming along very well, managing difficult creative writing (Anderson) and much better focus on the basics as a good fall back (The General)

Italian : Just goes from strength to strength, might want to improve distribution (Ogi)

Spanish : Consistent (Forskins and Lanz)

Food Tech : Creating amazing recipes with just Rice with a creative north African (Benny) spice.

Biology : A keen interest in animals and The Beast!

Chemistry : lacking experimentation but hasn’t thank god blown up the lab!

Economics : Outstanding use of limited funds, found a flair for the Eastern European market!

In short, Moyes is a hard working student, lacks the flair of some of his counterparts but the coming term will be critical. Can do better.

Overall Grade : B minus

42 users have voted.

Quality Dartford...;)

41 users have voted, including you.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

It keeps us amused buddy, cant get too serious about West Ham, we would soon need therapy!!

Theses are nice times, sit in mid table mediocrity, not looking down and on the same points as Chavski and above Arse... I take that! Bring on Burnley!

20 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

lol very good dartford.dont forget moyes behaviour report....likely to give you a slap especially if you are a woman.keep your distance brady ;)

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