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Rice Announcement Imminent!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Mon, 03/07/2023 - 08:46

West Ham United are scheduling a media slot for 2PM this afternoon (Monday July 3rd) during which the 'eternal' Declan Rice transfer to Arsenal will finally be confirmed. Reprsentatives from BOTH clubs have been feverishly working on an agreement that suits all those concerned.

Hammers supremo David Sullivan is thought to have 'backed off' directly negotiating the deal himself, in order for his new employee Tim Steidten to complete the deal with Arsenal's technical director Edu. It is believed there has been a compromise reached over the payment plan for Declan Rice which roughly translates to 40% of the entire fee up front with the remainder being paid in instalments over the next three years.

This 'arrangement' saves face for the Irons and the Gooners and means that the player can start training with his new team mates when he returns from a Holiday with his young family and Hammers can get on with spending some, if not all of the money received on transfers overseen by Steidten.

Rice's departure was never going to be 'pretty', but at least a line can be drawn in the sand now, many fans are really disappointed with their club captain moving on, especially to London neighbours, but at least it wasn't to fierce rivals 'Tottingham'! - Ed



Thank him for what he's done,but what grates with me is the fake emotion ( hope I'm wrong by that statement)

20 users have voted.

thanks Dec for the memories and hope to see you in a hammer shirt in the future.. up the hammers ..

21 users have voted.

You have all read my view on the matter.....Yes Nev your right Spurs would of been worse,Levy wouldnt of paid out that sort of money though.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

FFS has he not gone yet? Classic West Ham, we will be stuck with a player that already announced his intentions to join a rival... couldnt make it up!

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newburkie's picture

He was always goin to go ,Arsenal or any other whats the difference ?, i wish him well at his new club ,thanks for the memory's Dec , unlike some on here i dont take football that seriously ,sure west hame is my club and always will be untill i turn my toes up , but its just a bit of banter down the pub sure ,i dont like some clubs ,but its not the players its the fans ,the likes of Livepool ,always the victims , Scum, their fans make my teeth itch , Shity , if it moves buy it , i wont go off on one of my rants ,live and let live i say ,nobody died .

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boogerscaravan's picture

Well I can only speak for myself but I'm gutted he's going. Not just for me but for my son who has watched him come into the team as we all have and grow in to the player he has become.

It's not about the money for us. It's about what Nobes and Dec have done for our home grown profile. So what if he was kicked out of Chelsea, he's one of our own and I thank him for everything he did for us. From greeting the little Hammers to playing his heart out and never whinging.

Good luck Dec....

22 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

nevillenixon's picture

Sully has dug his cuban heels in, and so he should! It is about time that West Ham were treated with the same respect as other European 'giants', if you look at the numbers Hammers are in the top 20 clubs of World Football.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Sorry for repeating myself. Arsenal can't really afford him. Hammers are in a position to keep him for another year and January is when the price will go up

18 users have voted.

When you think about it how will it be if this breaks down.He stays with us,for another year or so with us all knowing,he wanted to go,how can he parade around then,kissing the badge,and patting his chest.,they cant afford him,and he wants better,not what you want to go into a new season is it,they are back training now,carries on much longer and he will be going on tour with us.

19 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

only happen to West Ham Essex, couldn't make it up! I still think another club will appear maybe City or Bavarian Munchkins or... given his bestie is now there.. Manure?

14 users have voted.

You don't get involved Essex,just say your bit & let the others give it,you're a top man!

20 users have voted.

Good luck to Dec. Thanks for the memories. Great player, great human being. My only gripe is the club should have move quicker to make additions before we get held to ransom. Just hope the money is not spunked on players not good enough like previously.

23 users have voted.

What does imminent mean? I can see this saga running ‘til the transfer window “slams shut” and we have no time to spend the windfall, leaving a gaping hole in our midfield.

18 users have voted.

Its still droning on,theres obviously a hiccup,what a balls up,your right Jozi,there will be no time to sort a player to put in his place,look at last season waiting on Lingard,wasted the whole summer on him.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

wasted time last summer with Dithering Dave. Its a British / Hammer farce, Brian Rix will appear with his trousers round his ankles... couldn't make it up!!!

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Arsenal lawyers are playing a cat and mouse game by delaying this deal. Either they want West Ham's frustration to reach a panic mode and agree to dropping the going price by GBP 5-10 million or they do not want West Ham to use the cash to purchase some quality players. West Ham cannot purchase any new players unless they get the bucks from the Rice deal. So, West Ham's targets may be fed up of just waiting for West Ham to start the ball rolling and then move on to other clubs also feeding on West Ham's targets like the sleazy Newcastle. Otherwise what is the delay from signing the likes of Barnes from Leicester?? He will suit Moyes style perfectly!!

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