Pin The Donkey

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Fri, 20/08/2021 - 20:44

Pin the Donkey, or more correctly Pin the Tail On The Donkey, was a game played by generations of kids in gentler times, when there were no mobile phones, computers nor the dreaded 'soshul' media! The game involved being blind folded, spun around and then released with pin in hand to stick it in the target, which was a Donkey's 'Arse'nal!

More But(t)s Than Ifs...Laborde?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Fri, 20/08/2021 - 08:35

The dialogue associated with footie transfers is unique but short on originality, hence the transfer window 'slamming shut' in 11 days time instead of just being closed. Players are regularly 'linked to West Ham', about every striker with a pulse has been linked with West Ham of late and finally the big IF or BUT(T).

Lyon Join France's Pack Of Cards

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 19/08/2021 - 18:55

Lyon have joined all the other teams in Ligue 1, except PSG, in preparing a fire sale of nearly half their first team squad, 18-year-old attacker Rayan Cherki and former Leicester City striker Islam Slimani are both to be made available for transfer as Lyon desperately try to balance their books by starting their sale ahead of what could well become a glut of clubs wishing to hawk their wares to the 'rich' clubs in England.


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