It just makes me so angry! God is there no limit to what the wasters who play football would stoop? Normally I stay well clear of talking, listening or reading much about beckham but this just gets my goat. Just for anyone who lives in a cave and is unaware beckham is a multimillionaire. He literally has money to burn. He feels he is so great for this country that he thinks he deserves a knighthood. Anyway the police pull him over for speeding (doing 59 in a 40)and he is taken to court for it. Rather than admit and pay up his demeanour he hires a top lawyer who gets him off. Does he get him off as he proves the evidence to be wrong? No he gets off because the fine arrives ONE DAY too late! Arise sir David what a true star you are.
The blokes a tosser,and hope
The blokes a tosser,and hope this drives another nail in him getting a knighhood,and that dim,lack of personality wife of his becoming a lady,they are well suited.These gongs are given out to readily and easy to my liking anyway.
Just another example of the
Just another example of the messed up world we live in. Money rules!
Yep money talks im afraid...
But no surprise with Beckham,i did some building work for someone a few years ago who was employed by them & she could write a book on his antics...
65 you need to elaborate
65 you need to elaborate there my friend. What bugs me even more is that he admitted it was true! Just pay the bloody fine and take the points you idiot. You can get a taxi or even be chauffeured around if you even get banned!
Ill leave it to your imagination Red!!
But lets just say no wonder posh walks round with a face like a smacked arse most of the time!!;)
Her face would crack if it
Her face would crack if it smiled dave,it's pulled so far back it could launch a rocket mate.
Brings a whole new meaning to
Brings a whole new meaning to bend it like Beckham, what a J Arthur Ranker.
i dont doubt its true
But after that had been quashed because of the paperwork I hear he went out and spent over two grand on a bottle of wine....what a time for people like that...I met Patrick viera and andre Shevchenko(stunner of a wife) whilst working and both were down to earth blokes who were the polar opposite to that beckham both tipped big lol.
What exactly does beckham
What exactly does beckham actually get out of avoiding that fine? And following it up with celebrating with an expensive bottle of wine? Really shows the kinda guy he really is. Has he thought about working for Goldman Sachs? After all they are bankers as well.
Golden balls at Golden Sachs!
Golden balls at Golden Sachs!!!! Very good Red.