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Captain Noble

Submitted by Chippy Dave on Fri, 28/08/2015 - 12:47

Just read that he's about to be announced as captain, I'm not surprised but can't say I'm not disappointed either, hope he goes on to lead us back into the Premiership.....joking of course

Kevin friend made it even worse by just not admitting his mistake well before we even appealed. Stinks of a man who can't comprehend he can ever be wrong. In other words perfect example of a top referee

328 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

typical red card didn't stick so got to punish us another way don't see the so - called big teams getting this done to them

298 users have voted.

What a joke its been!I have heaped praise on sugo up to now...But all i can see at the moment is a relegation dogfight,& its got nothing to do with who is the manager.Most of our players have little or no confidence at the moment so that is a good reason for sugo to dip into their bins & cough up for some,"top " quality signings.But as the deadline looms in a couple of days we are left with pretty much zilch additions!!Its ok them banging on about the new stadium,& how fantastic it looks,but have they failed to notice that this is our last season at the boleyn??its supposed to be an emotional last year for thousands of westham fans,but the only emotion around the ground at the moment is ANGER & DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!

261 users have voted.

I never liked the owners until last summer when they won me over when they actually went out and bought players. Now its back to the same bull, of players wont come to us, ffp etc. 15-17 million spent this summer and it looks like carlton cole will be our new signing again. These guys are gangsters and have no respect towards the fans and just fob us off. They promise this, that and the other but nothing ever comes out of it. "We have tried really hard to sign such and such, we offered him peanuts and he turned us down" I am sick of listening to them

300 users have voted.

Hope so.

It will diminish your already poor national team even more lol.

321 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Noble didn't deserve that sending off ,neither did Coutinho for Liverpool ,Kevin Friend,the ref, will have to admit he was wrong on both decisions and the suspensions dropped.As far as the performance was concerned ,great defending and counter-attacking football.Lanzini looks quality ,very skilful player and comfortable on the ball,like Payet.Westham need more of these type of players to control games and not have to rely on counter-attacking football.But Bilic used the right system for the players he had ,and thought he chose the best side and made good substitutions.Just thinking if that was Allardyce managing after going 1-0 it would have been backs to the wall time,park the bus,and Westham would have probably ended up losing.I am enjoying the Bilic approach to games ,heading in the right direction, performance wise.Forgot to mention Kouyate,had a great game today,works tirelessly.

302 users have voted.

I think Kouyate has been very good this season, great attitude, doesn't stop working and has chipped in with some goals. Agree regarding Allardyce, he did like to sit back after scoring, it makes a nice change

314 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Make you right Essex. And that's why we had to change manager. Eventually the TV pundits might come to realise that, but I'm not holding my breath!

306 users have voted.

I gota say i was heartbroken for him , his first game as club captain and this happens,i thought he wa having a great game and is genuine. Captain material

286 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Hes dogshit.

Sad truth.

Honest trier.

Will never be anything else.

294 users have voted.

Nope Colin.

Like yourself been watching the team for many a day ( admittedly not as often live as yourself due to logistics) but never change my opinion of him.

Effort: BIG

ANYTHiNG ELSE ( apart from pens)....NOPE.

Absolutely no mistake .

260 users have voted.

and i have no problem ever with that from anybody as we are all entitled to our opinions. I like Nobes, not just because he is a great bloke off the pitch, because no matter what people think or want of a West Ham player he always wants and looks to play football how it should be played. He plays football on the deck and is always trying to encourage other players to do that or for them to get into good positions off him to receive the ball. He's not going to be on the wish list of the Top 4-6 clubs in the PL but he is West Ham through and through and can play so, given some of the shite we have had and for so many of their own agenda I think he is an asset.

302 users have voted.

I'm over the Noble Bashers. He has had some great tutors in Neill and more recently Nolan and will go on to be a great Captain. He might not be a Beckham or Lampard but he gives 100 and ten and thats all a good captain has to do. He gets his men to rally and rally they did on the weekend. a 52 year drought over and a monkey off the back. #COYI

298 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Today he scored a sweet goal, and as long as West Ham win games the pressure will not touch him but if we loose then it may get harsh, the thing is if the whole team plays well maybe he will too I really hope so because he is a 100% Hammer and always will be.
Can he improve ?, I am not sure but he is a professional footballer its possible, he just does not excite me as a fan he is tidy at best nothing wrong with that but mmmmmmmmmm not great.

320 users have voted.

he's one of those players that have never set the world on fire , you could never see him in any other shirt ,the way he took that goal was superb , he had time to open up his body and put a powerful side foot into the net , i think he'll make a great captain especially on Wednesday when his red card is rescinded

313 users have voted.

Burkie 1

He had a captains knock today, scoring the goal, which was well taken but sadly let himself down getting the first yellow card.
He's a trier and I like that in a midfielder. OK, he's not big on flair and enterprise, but if he can pull his team together and play like that week in week out I'll give him the armband.
Without Nolan casting a shadow I think he will be able to shine. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but you know what, at Anfield he was mine with a milk chocolate digestive biscuit for dunking.

297 users have voted.

Lol what do you mean mate Noble got given a straight red for a fair tackle and not only that the whistle had been blown anyway to give him a free kick. Makes no sense at all

303 users have voted.

The ref was amateur and gave a straight red when he was going for second yellow...when he sees the replay he gives no card...I was merely stating he shouldn't be getting silly first yellows...anything to add?

289 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

Mark Noble last season often made himself the spare man an outlet if you like. Personally I like the guy and I think those around him respect him. His best stint for us was when Tevez played for us IMHO and now he has some extra quality around the pitch he has better options with the way the players movement. I often wondered why he never got up the pitch more (maybe big Sams tactics) but yesterday right place, right time and a cool finish to boot. I think he deserves to lead the team and can only see him taking on the full time responsibilty with gusto. He is the first hammers skipper since Bobby Moore to skipper a win at Anfield and I think this win was as much to do with his encouragement of those around him as anything else. You need a captain that has a never say die attitude and he certainly has that.

268 users have voted.

Noble will die for the cause wearing the claret & blue,i reckon the shackles came off yesterday & he lead by example.The players around him appreciate him,thats what i want to see from our captain...

319 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

And I wish we had 10 of him for his work rate and determination Ive supported West Ham 55years and weve allways had players like this Steve Potts , Ken Brown players that were there week in week out, West ham Through and through never give up. Not like u did with Spurs and i Certainly dont Blame ya but dont slag of players of Nobles Calibre

322 users have voted.


Would miss conversing with such astute and knowledgeable fans such as yourself Freddiekins.

You dont get insight like you provide anywhere else you know.

305 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

But he's seatbelt is doing alright.
Legs around him and strength behind him, basically an armchair ride that Nolan enjoyed under Caroll and he's ok. Not great but decent.
Allied to PL experience and nous, plus loving the club. It works out.
Plus he loves a penalty more than Ray Stewart!

300 users have voted.
Melbourne Hammer's picture

Opinions are just that, opinions. None are right or wrong but the only one that matters is the one of the Manager. I just find it interesting that there's a strong opinion that Noble is not up to standard etc. but he always seems to be in every Managers first team for quite a few years now. This season a new manager has come in and formed his own opinion and handed him the captains armband. Quite an achievement for a so called sub standard player.

282 users have voted.

I'm his biggest critic but good luck to the bloke Mel, I have no issue with him as a human being, he loves the club, my opinion is that he's not a good enough player if we want the club to go to a better level, I know people say he'll be better in a better side but are the better players just making up for his inadequacies, who knows, as i said just my opinion and that counts for diddly squat

119 users have voted.

Christian Dailly featured for 2 clubs in the Prem over many years,visited many National stadiums with his country throughout the world and played a part in a British team that git to a European footballing Final against all odds did you fancy him as a CH?

Know I didn't.

Its well documented that you need some" with the club at heart" in your ranks and some managers go to strange lenths to attain that.

What do you think of the fact hes never been within a million miles of a Nation team that's been crying out for a Central Midfielder for quite some time?!

121 users have voted.

I am an avid admirer of Lord Noble and his passion and dedication to West Ham but imo he is not captain material...prove me wrong Mark, it would please me to eat humble pie on this opinion.

113 users have voted.

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