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Flop of the season - from the new lads

Submitted by Gerus on Fri, 03/04/2015 - 21:08

I was just wondering we always do the topics on which we discuss our favorites to become the next HOTY but who dissapointed you the most this season. But to get away from the regular discussions about Kevin Nolan and poor Mayy Jarvis let's concentrate on the new lads. Apart from Zarate obvioulsy I have been a bit dissapointed with Valencia personally. Started bright but with time he seems to get less of a sniff in and always seems to run direclty into the first defender he tries to pass 1 on 1. Thoughts?

think when he was brilliant it was always up front with the big Sak , no one's playing this 451 crap anymore, this f***er is playing everyone out of position .
cant say im to disappointed with any of the new arrivals to be honest

118 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Bullyhammer's picture

I think the problem with Valencia is that he is an out an out finisher, we seem to be expecting him to also be a creator of goals. But like Burkie says, the rest have been excellent, though Song has disappointed since the AFCON nonsense...

127 users have voted.

I really rate valencia, stick with him i say,also regarding song i went to 4 games before xmas & he bossed every one of them motm for me everytime.But recently like you say hes been a bit of a liability,strange how hes had such a dip in form!But for me biggest disappointment has been ravel (although we all know he had baggage!),can he resurrect his career at lazio?i doubt it...

202 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I didn't even think about Ravel, guess I already counted him as gone. Agree about Valencia, I think the talent is definitely there, but we have to use him properly: give him service near goal, cus giving him the ball 40 or 50 yards from goal surrounded by 5 defenders aint gonna work.

119 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Ravel had the talent to go all the way but we all knew it would never happen under Allardyce.Just like a number of decent players that have joined the club he destroyed any potential, by either not playing them or playing them out of position,making them look bad.Valencia and Sakho will be another pair he will damage if he still remains manager cause he has no idea how to use them to their strengths.They are both out and out goal scorers and should be playing up front ,inside the box is where they shine,not stuck out wide.Zarate has to be the biggest disappointment ,simply because Allardyce never gave him the chance to shine in his favoured position(again up front).A quality manager will tap that ability he possesses and use it to the full.

133 users have voted, including you.

I had high hopes, especially after his early goal. I know there is a lot who view his omission as Sam being stubborn but he has not got in QPR side much either. I saw him come on, I think against Newcastle, he got put through but ran as slow as any footballer I've seen apart from Carew. Real shame, obviously has talent but just doesn't seem fit enough for top level football

125 users have voted.

someone on here said he was injured Kent and gone back home for treatment , i think the way he was treated here was diabolical , i saw him in that match, QPR v the bar codes , i dont think he's got the pace for that type of game , being put through , i think he likes to get on the ball in the final third and go with it

117 users have voted.

Burkie 1

The problem is the manager and always will be!!! not everyone of our new players likes Dinosaur football do they!
Zarate is a prime example and Valencia suffers from the long ball game as well. When we finally do get a new manager who wants to play technical attacking football almost all the new players will thrive on it, even Andy Carroll but not his mate Nolan and dare I say it Noble imo. These two will be let go under a decent manager as being too slow and not accurate enough with their passing!

117 users have voted.

A D Bonds

A big mistake for the money we paid for him and a total panic buy, our negotiators are piss poor in my opinion and it's not the first time that we have overpaid for unproven quantity. We either pay top dollar up front for unproven quantity or big wages to players that are injury prone or on the downward spiral! Jarvis, Valencia, Ljunberg (why would Arsenal get rid of their most industrious player covering more ground than any other and scoring goals?), McCarthy, Diarra, Picquionne, Savio, Maiga (wages of £35-40k per week based upon scoring goals in tier 2 of the French league!), Carroll (although I rate him and love his work rate), etc etc!

116 users have voted.

Still think valencia will coem good and what you have to look at aswell, is Valencia is one our lowest earners think JS said it was only 18k a week or something. So when you take that in to account he wasnt that expensive.

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