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Glen Roeder

Submitted by North Herts Hammer on Sun, 28/02/2021 - 18:28

has passed away aged 65 after a long illness R.I.P Glen Roeder so sad.

Extremely sad. I met him several times and he was one of the most decent men to grace the murky world that is the modern pro' game.
To me, the way he was set up as a patsy by the then West Ham board, was undermined by one particular player at the time and ultimately discarded unceremoniously was unwarranted, undignified and thoroughly unedifying.
It speaks volumes for the man's integrity that from the day he was sacked as West Ham manager to the day he died, he never spoke a bad word about WHU or any individual within the club, and heaven knows he could probably have written volumes about his time there.
The game has lost one of the few genuinely decent men who were left, a man who loved the game, who's great ability as a coach gained him a great deal of respect , and who was not motivated by money alone.
R.I.P. Glenn Roeder, the game not to mention the wider world is poorer for his passing.

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very true Lenuse’s,hung out to dry by the owners as usual

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nevillenixon's picture

Their behaviour and ultimate treatment of Glenn Roeder was appalling, may they all feel guilt for what they did to a fine and dignified true gentleman.

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If my memory serves me correctly didn't Roeder accompany Gazza to Lazio, seen as a calming influence to help? Never met him but heard good things about him, may he RIP

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