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Hammers United

Dartford Bhoy's picture
Submitted by Dartford Bhoy on Fri, 07/06/2024 - 11:45

I have not been very complimentary in the past about this group, I just saw them as anti LS or as we call it now the BoM, and was basically some dinosaurs not prepared to follow WH to Stratford and basically move forward.

However, in recent times they have become the voice of reason and standing up for the supporters that have no voice and are being rode over on many traditions picking on the weak, the young, the old, the infirm all in the cause of PROFIT at the expense of real fans.

Many of you will have received this but... just in case:

mcbikeman's picture

As you know my thoughts about that place and never ever going to set foot in it but i will never appose those who want to and have followed in there thousands but just look at how you are being rewarded by Sullivan and co.......bunch of shysters

17 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

The Meccano Stadium, a name that many of my generation will recognise. You can call me a dinosaur, I won't take offence, that's your opinion just as I'm entitled to mine. And leaving Upton Park, The Boleyn, Home, whatever you want to call it was a huge mistake and has sold the soul of this club. I didn't renew my season ticket at the transition season but I DID go to a few games, different parts of the ground including 66 seats as one cannot give an informed opinion without actually going.
The view is shit, the atmosphere is dead, the football is dire, the pre match tradition f**ked up and prices are obscene. If you're all happy with that then good for you. I will just happily watch from my armchair or if things improve on the pitch, at away games at a proper football ground.

21 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

The point was that originally I found this group (Hammers United) to be stuck in the past but I now appreciate the points they are making and that they are a voice for the down trodden having seen the lies that came from the original Unholy Trinity about pricing, concessions, treatment of disabled fans etc etc.

14 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Actually misunderstood your first sentence. By "this group" I originally thought you were referring to us on, not Hammers United, which incidentally I'd never heard of.

21 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

This post was NEVER intended to start a debate on the merits or not of the LS / BoM, we have debated that to death! The "term" Dinosaur was aimed at the Original Hammers United Group and NOT at any individual on the Org. We are all West Ham and have that respect for each other despite views on the Board, Manager, Players or Stadium

23 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

I new what you were saying and the Hammers utd are trying there upmost to open peoples eyes but it is always going to be an uphill struggle and Sullivan knows it...supporters bitch and moan but still go through the turnstyles every other week and unless you can get enough to stop going and show an empty stadium and embarrass him and the board when the media come knocking to ask why? nothing will change.

20 users have voted.
Bubblegirl's picture

What else can you spend it on? it may come as a surprise to you gentlemen on here but it can only be for my beloved West Ham and yes like any partner in life sometimes they annoy you and get on your nerves when they just wont listen or do what you ask but in life you learn to put up with there inadequacies and accept it.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

But your partner will always show you love and at the moment the west ham fans are not loved by the board, we are not seen as Fans or part of a family but purely customers or clients to be exploited :o(

23 users have voted.

Yes your right Dartford,i wouldnt put this club before my wife,she wonders why i bother,as all the moaning it brings.Its not just the football,its a good day out,let off steam,there are a few times each season i dont leave the pub,the football is just part of a day for me,i must also state i dont have the same feelings as when we were at Green Street.

15 users have voted.
Bubblegirl's picture

Get up have a bit of breakfast help my mother with the Shopping and the laundry have a bit of lunch then around 2.15pm stroll round the corner to the Boleyn with my Dad he'd get a swift pint in and a Shandy for his little girl then up to the ground a programme then through the gates into the Bobby Moore upper and Wait for our heroes to emerge great days indeed of course its a bit more of a stroll nowadays but it's all part of the day

16 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Same for me, game day, its about meeting up with family, friends and great day out. All we ask is to see some decent football and the board to show us a modicum of respect!

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