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Submitted by Zummerzet on Tue, 14/05/2019 - 11:47

After the events of the past week and the amazing turn arounds that our great game can produce, one thing that stands out for me does not seem to have been mentioned by the media while eulogising over the victories of two English clubs.
Firstly I do not subscribe to the belief that defeat of English clubs is of paramount importance to most of the posters on this site. I can't stand the Spuds or any of their so called fans however the succes of Premiership clubs in Europe means that all eyes are on us at the moment and may possibly lead to player and prospective investors interest. Success breads success and our great club may benefit from the increased attractiveness that four clubs in major Europeen finals could bring. That brings me to my main point, the support that was given to Ajax in Amsterdam by their fans was magnificent and spine tingling, the passion and noise generated in the stadium was amazing and spectacular and I suddenly realised that apart from the dreaded scousers our game has lost this passion. The majority of games now, including the London Stadium (I hate that title) when things are not going our way are soulless and sad. Why has the passion seemingly vanished from our game, is it due to the nature of the so called modern stadiums, look at Palace, with their smaller ground they generate superb passion, which if the owners get permission will be destroyed if a new ground is built. I worry about our game, I accept that the game must adapt and that times change but being a corporate jolly does and will not generate the passion delivered at clubs such as Ajax, Borrussia Dortmond, Atletico Madrid, and Real Betis to name a few. Anybody have any ideas?

moore2come's picture

Before social media it was heading down a dark path , but now with every site in the land needing a story about the game to keep themselves relevant so you get made up BS on a daily basis about every club, player and staff member and the players themselves fueling it. They're more celebrities that players now so as you say Dicksy it's a sodding soap opera or a reality TV show or worse still The Trueman show. You can't get a break from it wherever you look. A money making machine where fans are now a smaller part of the overall story. A lot of the press/commentary also seem to forget there was football before the Premier League yet it's only dusted off for nostalgia by some of the older generation. Give it 20 more years and most "fans" will only know or want to know the PL era or show any interest IF their team wins a game.

97 users have voted.

Talking of real fans,listening to a show on the radio the other day Liverpool fans ringing up discussing their prem points total,were in agreement they should be awarded a trophy for "The most points achieved without winning club!!"

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boogerscaravan's picture

I heard that too - He must have been on those Disco Biscuits, nobody ever remembers who come second by 1 point or 21, makes no difference, you still win shag all.......

106 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

moore 6 legend's picture

I agree Zummerzet Big flash stadiums with big crowd don't mean bigger noise,bigger passion, much smaller compact stadiums with half the crowd size can sound much louder,ellend road tonight 37,000 sounds more like 100,000.i was getting right into that game,and then the missus nicked the tele off me, lol

Palace may have passion,but their chants, drumming and that mob homesdale fanatics dressed like funeral directors does my nut in.

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