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Submitted by essex boy on Mon, 23/10/2017 - 20:38

It was stated that we had to move to progress,to be able to move forward,have we,NO
Bigger ground,get more supporters in,so more revenue,has it helped,NO
Couldn't play there,till the Athletics board said we could,with no home friendlies,did that help the start of our season,NO
Are we in charge of our own ground,NO
Bigger ground more atmosphere than Upton Park,NO,Flat as a witches tit,YES

Our last season at Upton park was the best we had played for years,a cauldron of passion and soul,thats not there now.One of the other discussions states that it being a experiment,well said,trouble is we cant say that it hasn't worked,we will go back,that can never happen,we are stuck with this.
I thank the two Davids in getting the books square,but think their business sense in this area,is falling short,and they should stick with what they know.Dealing with people in the porn business,is a different kind of business all together,if you get my meaning,the handling and what angle you come from,which I think is why we are just not appealing to do business with,and lets be honest,a total laughing stock,thats why they have Karen Brady fronting it for them.I don't think she is liked in some circles,and basically,in this whole ground move has no doubt lined their pockets and hers.I can go back as far as the Cearns family,and they even had their hands in the till then,Terence Brown was the same,then the Icelandic fiasco, that's why for forty eight years ive watched nothing but mediocrity.This wonderful club I'm afraid has run on the 1966 reputation,where we did have a few good years.I like Slav and was glad he came but I think he has lost his way.
Levy is no fool at Spurs,he has been watching all this,and would imagine he has stomache cramps with laughter.Their ground will be theirs and no doubt out of this world.It will be built for football,as close to,and over the pitch as possible,not having to play musical chairs,when someone wants to use it,and having concorses so wide that the upper tier is even further away so the atmosphere disintegrates into the clouds.I hate to say it,that club is run properly,and it shows on the field.
On paper we have a decent team but with every game now its,"i hope this happens",and hype ourselves up hoping for something good,only to find out that the team and club are constantly pissing in the wind.

There has without doubt Been progression in some areas. Trouble is it's no areas we class as important as a club. The biggest failures for me is the debt hasn't been addressed properly (is this deliberately) and obviously on the pitch.surely these were the top 2 things to achieve at the club. Are we just being run specifically so gold and Sullivan can get their loan per centage of our debt?

281 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Nothing wrong with a few cobbles mate,i used to love the old proper Coronation Street back in the day,stan,hilder,eddy,comdey gold mate ;)

295 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Bigger ground,get more supporters in, Yes...
Couldn't play there,till the Athletics board said we could,with no home friendlies,did that help the start of our season,NO... still predict this will change, tax payer is fed up with the subsidises and will soon be owned by WHU.
Are we in charge of our own ground,NO... never been an issue for the Milan this space
Bigger ground more atmosphere than Upton Park,NO,Flat as a witches tit,YES... compared to the last season at UP I agree but there was a reason for that... we played good football! Since the move to the LS on the pitch we have been wanting, you cant expect a crowd to give a great atmosphere when being thumped bt Man U, Man City, Liverpool, Watford and now bloody Brighton, get real. The last season at UP was very special, I also support this club for 50 odd years and knew many games at UP where the atmosphere was flat and pretty toxic.

I do agree with the rest of the post particularly the owners and past owners.

250 users have voted.

Agree with Dartford, the stadium is flat because of the sh1t we are serving up every week. As for retractable seating, why aren't they being held accountable for that? Seems to be allowed to be swept under the carpet.

289 users have voted.

There you go,another fact,it is in traction.This whole eff up got me started, that's why I put it all together,and started the discussion at the top.We have been reeled in by these twats.
Whats all this about 2 more games for Slav to turn it around,away to Spurs,theres no turning there,and the Palace game Saturday is the biggest banana skin there has been.They need time to find someone,as there isn't anyone capable to take over as caretaker,only Sir Trev.Julian Dicks was a good player,but hasn't got it up top,and as for Slavs assistant he looks like he needs to be plugged in,lifeless.The whole lots a joke from top to bottom,even the stewards,where I sit there is either a old dear or a retired china man,couldnt stop a feather let alone a disturbance.

267 users have voted.

WTF is his role??is it the invisible man??as a player (apart from his training allegedly!!) he was one of the most passionate
fellas to ever wear the claret & blue,& i for one was happy with his appointment cos i thought he would severely kick some arse!!all ive seen him do is sit on his arse & do f*ck all!!

274 users have voted.

Sullivan is the Donald trump of football. Tries to deny anything that makes him look bad without any evidence to back it up. Sullivan, how is that court case with sporting Lisbon coming along?

298 users have voted, including you.
moore 6 legend's picture

Bloody shame all them long timers jacking it in,we've lost our 12th man,gone from legendary intimidated stadium to timid,and the away fans seem louder to me

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