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Submitted by Chippy Dave on Sun, 27/09/2015 - 09:14

I was wondering why there was such a lack of celebrating from Sakho after he scored that goal yesterday, he looked thoroughly pissed off, hope there's no issues there as I think he's one of the most important players in the side, his work rate is phenomenal

When I saw the celebration it did make me wonder, I assumed it was just a relief to get back into the game as no one really looked that excited. A bit like when you are 2 goals down with time running out and then you score. If so it might be a sign the players are expecting more from themselves. I personally saw no rift on the field, or negative body language from him

362 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

think he just had enough making runs with very little support...and I hope he gets some at next home match and I hope its jelavic as carrolls brittle bones makes him an impact sub at best certainly not a starter IMO

389 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

I know he was not on big money when he first signed . But I thought Scully was giving him a new contract did it happen or not ?. If it didn't I can see why he is pissed off when he looks at Carroll wage . But there does seem to be a few rumours flying around about him. There would be a lot of clubs after him if he wanted away .

386 users have voted.

Good point re Carroll's mega money for old rope wages .. If Carroll the Camel was on half the amount it would still be too much .. Sakho "imo" is light years ahead of Carroll as a Footballer and Striker !

363 users have voted, including you.

Id be gutted if sakho left us.Carroll is either a long way off of match fitness or hes just lost it....

345 users have voted.

Carroll is so far off things I worry he has lost it! Maybe Sakho was peed of they got his name wrong in the program! Unless he changed it by deed poll

382 users have voted.

I don't see it as a negative, when I saw him score it very much felt like a "right that was easy, let's go on and win this" type thing. Been following this on other sites and most people feel the same. They think it's more likely he is worried about his case and feel if he wasn't happy at the club he wouldn't put in the efforts and performances he does. Some even feel he is saying ok so I've scored lets get on with the game, as if he was just doing his job, nothing to see here

377 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Yeah, that thought did cross my mind, but not much point doing that when the transfer window is so far away. So I don't believe it. And he's never said an unhappy word or tweet or whatever, not to my knowledge anyway.

382 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I pointed this out last year.
If you can find a picture of him actually smiling after scoring a goal I'd be very surprised.
He did go through a period of crossing his arms, hammer style, but the "moody scowl" seems to be his preference.

406 users have voted.

Maybe a scowl is just his thing, he might smile when he scores a hat trick. His attitude to my belief has been great from the moment he joined even when he knew he wasn't SAMs choice, so I refuse to believe his lack of a smile is anything to do with the club. My mother never smiled during the whole of my childhood!

371 users have voted.

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