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Thank you and good luck Mr A

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Sun, 24/05/2015 - 18:59

On behalf of the delinquent cretins amongst us in C&B glasses, just wanted to state my thanks to a decent manager.
Never my fave, you met every requirement asked and achieved stability with a yoyo club. No mean feat with our history.
But it seems mid table is not enough for our legions of expert analysts. Building blocks and long term progression are bad words these days.
Apparently out next boss will be creating fireworks and orgasms.
I fear our famous song will become reality again.
Promise not to laugh too hard if we self combust.

Got us up and kept us up when failure to do so could have meant long term disaster for the club. We have a massive opportunity to move forward but I really hope the owners get it right because we have an unparalleled ability to jump out of the frying pan into the fire

194 users have voted.

It is the right time. Haven't we been on the brink of our move to the OS I would have condemned the dismissal of Sam Allardyce but we must look to the future now. We must invest and reach a new level. We all know this will not happen over night but let's be positive and believe that something new and better is around the corner. Indeed thank you Big Sam and good luck. I will have quite a few fond memories of your reign - Millwall H, the playoffs, the Play off final, Chelsea H, the games against Tottenham last season, Pool and City H this season, out tackiting Mourinho and laugting in chico's face are just some of those memories. Wish him well for the future.

221 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Yes he did a sought of solid job but for me and many others it was at the detriment of the football and at a club like West Ham that is not good enough, yes we have had many other bad football managers probably worse than him too but four years of big Sam has made a lot of us realise that life is too bloody short.

174 users have voted.

Come come Darren. Its not " mid table" that's got " the average fan" in a tiz its the fact that he's presiding over a group that have absolute no drive,no passion,no width,very little goal threat and an ability to almost " self district" on the occasions it does manage to get itself into a decent position in a match!! How many times did we take the lead in matches and fail to win them? How many times did we score late equalisers/winners? How many times did we win or draw after talking behind? All Allardyces fault? Of course not. But no matter how its dressed up they are either following his instruction/ direction and like all in employment answering to him!!! I certainly never for a minute got carried away with 4th place at Xmas and of course Champions League places ( or indeed Europe) were very big asks BUT should we have ended the season sliding below the mights of Swansea, Palace,Everton et all yet again DESPITE having huge points advantages over them at said stage. Like a lot of other " I'm a bit scared" re the next Manager but " what was the alternative ". Do you believe he would have started next season stronger than he finished this 1? Why so? Any manager who thought that Kevin Nolan, Carlton Cole or Matt Jarvis were going to contribute ANYTHING towards a decent performance is certainly devoid of something!!!

201 users have voted.

at last , someone who see's the light , spurs, i gota say with the last sentence in your post you've put it in a nut shell

218 users have voted.

Burkie 1

I have to agree exSpurs...He should never have had his contract extended. He did was he was meant to do, i.e. get us back (albeit by the skin of several sets of teeth) and stabilise. Jobbed jobbed. Since he re-signed we have failed to impress apart from the accidental purple patch before Xmas. He took the plaudits when winning and palmed off the criticism when the games didn't go our way, usually through his awful tactics and substitutions. Yes, I am nervous about his replacement, but a lot less nervous than having to endure another 5 months of what we've just had served up.
I guess he thought it might be funny to throw on Lee to put down his 'hometown' club,but it was all 'a bit too late', and sadly, that will be how I remember this bloke's tenure.
Looking forward to moving on to 2015-16 with a new manager, new vision and some new players coming on board.
I'd like to say thanks but I just can't bring myself to doing so...

219 users have voted.

you guy's make me laugh , you really do , you dont mind one bit if this club stays mid table as long as there's stability , cast your mind back to the dismal start in August , then he finally bought in new talent when Andy went wallop , again , and things were looking good , up to 4th at one stage and he was every body's hero, especially Russel, then January and he couldn't resist the temptation to revert back to his old defensive mode , Kev & Cole and sometimes Jarvis , building blocks ? dont make me laugh Darren , can you honestly tell me hand on heart that if west ham retained his services that things would be different, dont think so , i've no doubt in my mind that if he was here next year Nolan would still be his first pick and Cole would be given a new contract . here's what i think , i think , and i'll say it for the last time (TG) any manager in the top two league's that would include the players he has( especially Cole ) doesn't have the technical ability , the know how, the basics to be a football manager never mind manage this great club , enjoy the millions you made out of this club Sam , god help the next bunch of suckers to put you in charge

165 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore2come's picture

Who is he? I demand to know now!!
Thanks for the generous offer of not laughing if we self combust, that's very sporting of you. And I also promise not to gloat should it turn out to be the best decision the club makes. Fair's fair after all.
I'll thank Sam and even listen to what he says in interviews as I have no malice towards the man as a person. Never refer to him under his many appointed nicknames as it's not personal. I just cannot stand to think that we had 1 good half season of football in the last 2 years when, after he did what was asked and got us promoted, he could not adjust to improving us and pushing onwards.
If you think we've done that in the last two years those C&B specs you refer to constantly might be a little tight and restricting blood flow to your brain! Last season we managed to string 4 wins together in February that dragged us just clear of relegation, this season we've endured what many will say if the most embarrassing 2nd half to a season ever! 3 pissy wins over shite clubs and they were hardly convincing were they? Nolan, Jarvis, Cole. If you think they're good enough quality at this level I'd see a doctor and have your head removed, as constipation can be bloody uncomfortable. If you think it acceptable that your manager sits on the sidelines chewing gum and showing no passion for what's happening on the field you're following the wrong team!
Be careful what you wish for? Well it's come true for a very large majority of Hammers today and we're grateful but we also want to see how far we can go, not stagnate in mid table, watching the team struggle to string two passes together and hit a cow's arse with a banjo.
I'm a happy Hammer. Premiership football next season, possibly a Euro campaign and our owners promising new players. Cherry on that. A new man at the helm. Up to the owners to get that decision right!

291 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

Blimey, is part of the JD how the new man "looks on the bench"? Again, it's a ridiculous argument.
I prefer my manager sitting down and maintaining some respect, rather than these jumped up jumper tie and scarf mannequins.
To address other points, some of the football has been awful, agreed. And yet we are 12th. I've seen beautiful football from relegated West Ham teams.
I hope the future is bright, my concern is our track record is this dept.
my blood flow is fine thanks.

215 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I think part of the JD should be showing some passion for the team you have put out on the field and having the ability to turn it around should things not be going well? He sat on his butt, chewing as if every chew was his last, yet looked forlorn and devoid of any explanation as to why it was going so pear shaped. You look at Morinho, SAF, Wenger, Monk, they were not adverse to getting up and giving the team a spray but conducted themselves with varying degress of dignity, no?
12th??? from 4th to 12th in 5ths whilst several teams below us put in solid performances to overhaul us in the end quite easily. Stoke, Palace, Swansea. No disrespect but at the start of the season did you expect these teams to finish above us? I didn't. Everton yeah, but certainly not Palace and Stoke.
I share your fear on our track record of hiring suitable managers. And with candidates being linked with top clbs in Europe some serious thought and no knee jerk reaction is required.
Glad to hear on the blood flow. Let's hope 4 months of no footbal can reduce all our blood pressures to suitable levels before we kick off again.

186 users have voted.

I sort of feel a bit sorry for you and others that have bought this "he's the only manage we deserve" and "be careful what you wish for" stuff. He never gave the fans any credit, even in his parting interview, the most important people in the club are the players, in his own words. You must feel very dejected maybe, not looking forward to next season? You probably feel that we may get relegated and never come back? You probably aren't looking forward to the transfer season as whoever we bring in, is irrelevant now we haven't got the only manager that guarantees prem football.? You probably feel we should have given more to allardyce to thank him. More than his £60 k a week that's about £1.2 million for a return of 3 wins in 20 games and a fall from 4th to 12th being over taken by Palace. However you must understand that however deluded, ridiculous those of us that don't agree with your superior knowledge of all things football are, we too have felt how you feel now for over a year. So do us a favour go back to the funnies or just let us have a couple of days of enjoyment before you try and neg us all out. You never know us idiots might be right and it might be ok? But I'm sure for you're own smugness you'll be hoping not.

181 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I don't recall singling individuals out? Can't quite see the drive for a personal attack?
I've never said he is the only manager we deserve.
Maybe you need to read it back and realise there are some gracious and sarcastic tones that generalise a group of fans that can take a joke.
Maybe I've hit a nerve and you've felt the need to take me task? It's a long summer, we can seek professional advice and work through it dahling x.

232 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

At the end of the day no one should be above the people who pay the wages THE FANS.

The fans or majority of fans have had enough of Allardyce and he has obviously had enough of them If you cannot find it in yourself to thank the people who fill your stadium and sing their hearts out week in week out it does not matter if you take the club to the top of the league or win several cups you are not worthy of the club itself.

As for being OK we will be better than that because the last two seasons for me have been terrible and both seasons we were a few losses away from being relegated or in a relegation battle.

If the fans are just paying for the right to be in the top flight and that is all then he has done a good job, but are we that pathetic that sad that lost as football fans that we can get pleasure from such a narrow requirement i bloody hope not, thank God he is gone and I wish him well but why should I lie the man had a good squad that he used badly that is the truth especially this season.

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