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What the hell has happened to this site ?

chubbyTURK's picture
Submitted by chubbyTURK on Mon, 11/05/2015 - 13:45

It has as much life as Kevin Nolan on a bad day, obviously many have either gone to other sites I have too, but bloomin heck no one is making any effort I keep on trying, but why I do not know because no one else is coming up with anything. Maybe it could be to do with West Ham not exciting us at the moment or some of the old posters have simply not returned ? .
I personally have found the layout of this site quite different to the last one which has made it slightly less enjoyable to come back to though I am just happy that the site is back. I keep on looking for more input from posters thinking that maybe i do not understand the site and I am missing some extra pages but that is not the cast because people are simply not posting or it seems to me interested enough to post.
Maybe I am wrong sorry to moan, I just feel the site is not pulling me in as it did before.

nevillenixon's picture

mass e-mail has not happened yet, due to ex-techy Pavlos being a very 'busy' man.
If he doesn't comply with the info and codes we need to access the data base soon, I shall make his personal e-mail available so everyone can hassle him, because I really have had enough. -ed

224 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

So you have the database but not the access codes? Sounds like we need a good hacker... does anyone have a son or grand-son who fits the bill?

226 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

You are doing a sterling job as it is, as I have said the site is back that is the main thing.

218 users have voted.

There isn't much happening, we are drifting towards the end of the season and the only discussion in town is what happens to Sam. Once the season is over a decision will be made over the manager. If he goes there will be discussion around a replacement, either way there will be all the transfer rumours, then the build up to the season, right now we are going to finish mid table, not much excitement about, not much to discuss so topics are few.

In addition to this, some posters from the past are sadly missed. Would be nice to see a few back, chippy, old school, Fareham, Plaistow Plaistow and many others

258 users have voted.

Like you say,a few of us have tried to post different topics,but it seems to not gather much interest!seems to be allways back to the same "sam out or sam in" debate which is ok but because its a divisive subject some people get a bit defensive about it!!Which is fair enough but imo it is making the site a bit stale.I used to enjoy the diverse topics on here but even thats drying up!!Maybe we all need to start putting our flip flops on....

311 users have voted.

This season has faded and died. Things will pick up once the transfer window opens up and we know one way or another who our manager will be next season. Hang in there Turk.

224 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Maybe your right, boredom has taken over. Apathy it must be though sometimes it feels so dead.

221 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

I went to the Villa game on Saturday and I'm still trying to get 90 mins of my life back..( IMO ) they were in holiday mode, when you see how we'd played before Christmas........roll on next season with some NEW attacking players in the squad

225 users have voted.
nt_hammer's picture

It always gets like this at the tail end of the season or over the summer Turk. The same old posts and threads being repeated doesn't help either.

I don't think the site being down has helped the case either as so many regulars were lost. Some are back but not all. I think things will return to normal but may take a while. Keep the faith and continue posting mate!

284 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Everything leads to him i guess and I am one of those who cannot shut the hell up about Big Sam.
I swear to you I do not want to end up hating the man because unless we are totally stupid he has done some good things especially when we look simply from when he took over to where we are.
If West Ham were just a business he would have got an improved contract by now and easily, but Football is about entertainment too.

227 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Sounds like you are exercising for me and my family too, HA.
My idea of Exercise is drinking a cup of Chay whilst watching MOTD.

236 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Good for you ANTKB i went for a jog the other morning after being persuaded by the family,i heard this loud clapping from behind me thinking i was getting applauded for my efforts by my good Neighbours only to realize the clapping was coming from my arsecheeks :)

212 users have voted.

Could it be people are afraid to make their contribution due to the possibility of being venomously attacked.

264 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I don't think there's too much venom on here anymore, definately not like the last time, when you only had to log on and someone was tearing strips off posters.

235 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Not sure I've noticed Kev have a good day so must be the same amount of like in both good and bad days!
I must admit I like the layout of the new site more than the old. think the only thing I miss other than the presence of so many top posters is the ability to move onto the next topic from the one you're in. Keep having to hit the General Discussion link to get to the list of topics.
I think sometimes there are quiet days too. We've just suffered another defeat that probably 99% of people knew was coming and are really just waiting for the SUGO lightbulb moment when they realise the problem is their man in charge.

282 users have voted.

Virtually everyone that has re-joined the new site has had nothing but praise for the sterling efforts and new layout. The email going out to everyone could be helpful but then we have all bothered to keep trying to find the site and been successful, so maybe others have more pressing concerns to tend to these days? Like any new layout of a system/application/website, it takes time to get used to and we will all get there in the end, so let's try not to be 'Northern' like and admit that 'Change' is bloody good and respect to the people that have made it happen!

239 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

I wrote sight instead of Site, what a dopey.

Essexhammer, yea he can debate mate but anyone who say's that young Frank Lampard was better than Trevor Brooking needs locking up mate, even if he is trying to in his mind be honest.

237 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I'm so sorry you feel such angst......ah, hold on. No I don't . Twat. What a ridiculous post.

252 users have voted.

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