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At Last A Break Through!

Louis Nixon's picture
Submitted by Louis Nixon on Mon, 31/01/2022 - 12:52

Finally it appears as if West Ham have managed to break their self imposed transfer embargo, the frenzied activity of the last few days seem to finally be paying off as the club looks forward to welcoming the off the radar loan signing of Liverpool's Divock Origi to its ranks. It may not be the marquee type of signing fans wanted, more of a one man tent, but at least it is a bit of fresh blood to liven up the squad.

Even Moyes Won't Do That-Must Be 1 Striker In 1 Out!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 27/01/2022 - 17:44

News that young Hammers striker Mipo Odubeko has joined relegation strugglers Doncaster Rovers hasn't gone down too well with some Hammers fans, there are those questioning the logic behind sending a forward out on loan, albeit an inexperienced one, when the club only has ONE recognised striker!

Do Irons Need Cast Offs?

Louis Nixon's picture
Submitted by Louis Nixon on Sun, 23/01/2022 - 21:14

Murmurings about Hammers lack of recruitment during this transfer window have grown increasingly louder as the days tick by, the facts are simple but the reasons multitudinous as to why exactly David Moyes has failed to sanction even ONE transfer so far.

Unless the financial backing available from the board is pure fabrication, which we very much doubt, then the only reasons must be three fold. Either the players available aren't good enough, or they are too expensive or currently unavailable and can only be signed in the next window.


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