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Kevin Kilbane - My Opinion

ANTKB's picture
Submitted by ANTKB on Tue, 24/02/2015 - 23:55

Having a child with learning disabilities and severe physical needs myself and having never heard the word used against her or within earshot for nearly 18 years, such a definition of the word by Kevin himself may have drawn more attention to the word and it’s potentially damaging use, based upon his own assumption of the meaning. His actions of publicising his own ideas could affect more people than the crowd at a football match, in my opinion. If the crowds intention was to label the player as he says/believes then that would be clearly wrong but proving it, when the definitions of the word commonly are different to what he believes, would make this virtually impossible? I think his emotions are running high and although I admire him for trying to offer protection, based upon his feelings for others, I think he is wrong to publicise it. A sensitive subject I know but I wanted to air my opinion.

moore2come's picture

I'm aware of the word through education more than hearing it used directly at someone with DS. however as with the highlighted racism on trains and other matters currently gaining more media attention than previously ie. domestic violence against women, imo it is important that such opinions are aired and those guilty of it bought to book otherwise where does socitey end up? Fair enough it's a minority but I would much rather that minority were eradicated rather than their misguided opinions accepted just because the majority of people can see them for what they are.

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Bullyhammer's picture

I sympathise with his point of view, but with him not even being there... I dunno. For me it's the sort of issue you deal with personally, at the time. Not sure going to the media helps or hinders. When I was a kid the word "spastic" was popular in the playground as a general insult (horrible word!). Nowadays it doesn't seem so popular with yoingsters. I suspect people will always use such words, and most of us just have to do our bit to discourage that kind of language.

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chubbyTURK's picture

All players need to know this.
I personally would not use any offensive or Racist remarks against anyone,
and find those who do embarrassing not just to the football club but to the world in general .
A child or adult living with learning difficulties for me must have our full respect ten fold than what we show for normal functioning people because life for them is jumbled and difficult in ways we could never understand yes they may be used to their predicament but that does not excuse humans from lacking humanity.

201 users have voted.

i got a downs nephew myself , he's the sweetest , kindest, funnest, lovable boy you could ever want to meet and our lives revolve around him , them dick heads can chant all they like , their the ones that are mentally challenged , every one loves Brian , who can these zombies claim as loved ones

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