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Heads Up For madhammer!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 07/03/2015 - 10:24

I just thought everyone should know that James Gooding, madhammer aka jamesg101, has brilliantly helped to start bringing the site back to life with a lot of bells and whistles! His help has been indispensable, especially bearing in mind recent events that have made it difficult for me to devote as much time to the site as I would have liked.
A massive thanks to James from all the Org -Ed

madhammer's picture

No Problem at all, and thanks I really do appreciate the thank yous.

379 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

You look like a Mexican drug lord that you would not want to cross . :))

279 users have voted.
madhammer's picture

That was a photo taken in Vietnam while I was backpacking about 4 weeks ago, The photo without the triangle filters looks a lot less menacing haha

265 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

glad it's back and running James, well done..

255 users have voted.

Experienced a lot over the years and I have to say that the 'org' has given me a release like no other website. I can air my views, debate, argue and even have a beer with real fans of a club that we all love no matter what so long may it continue. Nev and James, thank you and hope to buy you both a beer and watch a game one day.

234 users have voted.

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