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six thousand more seats

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Thu, 24/03/2016 - 11:16

with the clamour for tickets outstripping demand the club have now been given the go ahead to increase our capacity on matchdays to 60 thousand which is fantastic news and all of us who were at the play off final when we beat blackpool and showing half of Wembley full of hammers fans we always new that the new ground would be filled easily
its the other clubs around us like spuds/gooners/chelski who mouthed off that we wouldn't and could never fill it well how they must be trembling with fear worried about our meteoric rise....but the point I would like to make is who should get these tickets? of course you cry out the people on the priority list should get them which is a fair point having paid £10 for the right to hopefully get a seat but what about the academy supporters who cannot go to games regular but still support the club through the academy about making a few extra seats available for those supporters on a matchday I think currently they reckon 4thousand available on the day or book online(ha that's always a laugh!)which is not very many....season ticket holders are of course to be applauded for there support and rightly so but for those of us who it is impossible to be one for whatever reason be it cost/work commitments we are equally as passionate about our club don't we deserve a little bit more?

bonzo and the bov's picture

It's the price of success, At the start of this season the w/e we played City, there was a landscape gardener doing some work at a house I was delivering to, He had a city cap on and saw I got my hammers hat. We got talking about the fixture etc and he was telling me when they were at maine rd he was a season ticket holder for many a year, in the end he lost his job and had to give up his ST. When City move to there new ground a few years later he got his new business going well and told me he hasn't been able to go to City as there always sold out, He's on a 3-4 yr waiting list to get back on board. Which brings me to our park, the likes of yours truly who only has 1 Saturday off in 6 will be struggling to get a ticket to a home game and I wont be alone on the score. It's great for the club big time and after the 1st season when the dust settles who knows. IMO 60,000 is not enough :-) I say with a smile on my face, A chelski work mate would love to take his 8 yr old lad to a Chelski game just to say that he's seen the blues at home...I'm working on it with a chelski mate for him for next season ( his lad doesn't know it yet ) at the end of the day this is the price for a club being on the up......WHTID

148 users have voted.

When the Icelanders owned the club and rumours of what was going to happen to the Olympic stadium after 2012 started to emerge, I thought at last we could be on a level playing field with the top clubs with their money and a big stadium.
We all know about the crash and demise of Eggy and friends and onto the scene comes SUGO who took a lot of stick from many even I was sceptical after seeing Birmingham disappear out of the premier under their chairmanship.
We are about to see probably West Ham become the top London team over the next few years even better than Chelsea or Arsenal but as always at a cost.
The waiting list for season tickets at Arsenal was six years at one point and four at Chelsea with a minimum number of tickets only available to VIP's on the day and basically no chance for the casual/academy supporter.
Sad but if we want to see West Ham challenge for the top trophies in the next few years the stadium has to be filled at every match and SUGO in their wisdom (or not) have decided on 4000-ish seats for academy members which we all know will be sold within hours of going on sale. It's why Terry & I decided to get season tickets knowing Academy membership was going to be like Russian roulette when trying to get a match ticket

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A D Bonds

I have seen some great teams over the years but none that have had staying power (Boys of 86 were the closest) than the current team and that is down to Slaven Bilic moulding the players into a very good team. If we keep him as manager and just let him add a few more players here and there this team is going places (even this season if results go our way)!
Love your comments reminiscent of a voice from the past on here who used to make me cringe at times but laugh mainly. I know you say your not Fanno but we do need shall we say an alternative view albeit hypercritical at times on here! :-)

146 users have voted.

A D Bonds

Not Fanno.

I used to be called DavefknowfuckallEnfieldfullofshitDerbymorebrainsinafalseface!!

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