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Forget the heart this is why the head thinks he should go

Submitted by Betty Swollox on Sun, 15/03/2015 - 23:22

Forget your personal emotional views on Allardyce's style of football. Forget whether you like the obvious nepotism that he perpetuates with players all sharing his agent. Forget his mild contempt of us fans and refusal to accept how we want to watch the team play. If he continues to stay I think financially and image wise it will affect us for a long time. If we go to a stadium and fill it by two thirds, the marketing and promotional image will be a laughing stock. We might get some more prawn sandwiches from the city, but who will be there on a Tuesday night to watch us play Burnley? His wages as well are a problem, if he stays he's going to get an increase in wages ( ) just think about who else we could have for that money? Is mid table obscurity with a splash of colour in an otherwise grey season, plus a lacklustre cup run enough, for someone on £3million a year? There's a problem at the club, with the owners' ages too, especially Gold. I expect they feel they haven't got the time to tinker with a new, younger manager with new ideas about the game. They want stability and then a full OS, but I think that's the irony. I know more and more people that have stopped going or go to less games, because of the manager. How do they expect that to change? How do they think that the club can grab optimism by the scruff of the neck again? All we can do this season is be thankful we won't get relegated, is that enough anymore?

And well summed up Betty Swollox .. I have to admit it is nice not worrying about Relegation etc though but since Christmas and of course Andy Carrol-Dyer's return .. "imo" we have reverted back to potentially boring tactics again and poor results and standard of Football in the majority of the games since then .. Albeit I do think the depth of our Squad currently leaves a lot to be desired .. I can't for the life of me think why Allardyce let Zarate go to QPR unless it was perhaps a BOD decision ?

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NorthHertsHammer's picture

Spot on Betty could not agree more.The next question is who to replace him and take us to the next level ?.I for one have not got a clue,but I am feed up with a lot of negative 451 formation and lack of younger players coming thro.

249 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

I agree with you NorthHertsHammer and with betty what ye've had to say especially the younger players coming through. He's not one for giving youth a chance is he. Looking at what Ditm has to say about the Owners ambition maybe mid- table is all they can afford at the moment. It might take new investment or a take- over to bring us to the next step.

111 users have voted.

A good post Betty but despite these fans who don't go to the games, every match is sold out and the Olympic Stadium will also be sold out as the Board will give deals on prices etc.The football this season has been very good apart from Southampton at home and West brom away and 20 mad minutes against Palace.

106 users have voted.

Agree with most of what you said there. Nobody though is suggesting with whom we would replace Allardyce. The balancing act between mid-table security or a possible relegation worry must be uppermost in the owners minds though they must know deep in their hearts that Sam will not inspire us to new heights. A real dichotomy, but I would like change but not sure who I would gamble on. Benitez is a big spender, Moyes is too similar to Allardyce. Billic I am unsure of. The owners won't gamble on a less experienced manager for now so I am not expecting anything too different.

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chubbyTURK's picture

I think we all got excited at the start of the season, some thinking Big Sam had had some kind of stroke messing his brain and playing all that nice footy but when he reverted back to type it has since gone as sour as a lemon being sucked by an old battleaxe.
I always felt even well over two seasons back that Allardyce was a one trick pony who needed luck to win with his style of play as the opposition somehow created as many if not more chances than we did, and though the luck part may be wrong he simply has to go at the end of the season because he is sucking the lifeblood out of the club.
I get what he has done and i bow to him and say Thank you, he has brought stability to the club something we did not have but that is not enough and as Betty say's we want more than being a club who sticks around like a stubborn stain in the premiership and with him It will never happen.

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